This publication is cited in the following articles:
Vitaly G. Il'ichev, Dmitry B. Rokhlin, “Internal Prices and Optimal Exploitation of Natural Resources”, Mathematics, 10:11 (2022), 1860
Oleg Pavlov, 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), 2021, 1
M. V. Belov, “Soglasovannoe upravlenie mnogoelementnymi dinamicheskimi organizatsionnymi sistemami. Ch. 1. Dinamicheskaya organizatsionnaya sistema v sostave odnogo tsentra i mnozhestva agentov”, Probl. upravl., 1 (2020), 39–47
G. A. Ugolnitskii, O. I. Gorbaneva, A. B. Usov, M. T. Agieva, M. Kh. Malsagov, “Teoriya upravleniya ustoichivym razvitiem aktivnykh sistem”, UBS, 84 (2020), 89–113
Dmitry B. Rokhlin, Gennady A. Ougolnitsky, Static & Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations & Applications, Frontiers of Dynamic Games, 2020, 201
G. A. Ugolnitskii, “Metodologiya i prikladnye zadachi upravleniya ustoichivym razvitiem aktivnykh sistem”, Probl. upravl., 2 (2019), 19–29
Dmitry B. Rokhlin, Gennady A. Ougolnitsky, “Optimal incentive strategy in a discounted stochastic Stackelberg game”, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 12 (2019), 273–281
O. Pavlov, “Analytical solution of the dynamic incentive problem with consideration of the learning curve effect”, 2019 Xxi International Conference Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems (Cscmp), ed. S. Nikitov, D. Bykov, S. Borovik, Y. Pleshivtseva, IEEE, 2019, 789–794
Dmitry B. Rokhlin, Gennady A. Ougolnitsky, Static & Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations & Applications, Frontiers of Dynamic Games, 2019, 231
Oleg Pavlov, Proceedings of the V International conference Information Technology and Nanotechnology 2019, 2019, 209
Oleg Pavlov, 2019 XXI International Conference Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems (CSCMP), 2019, 789
Belyavsky G., Danilova N., Ougolnitsky G., “A Markovian Mechanism of Proportional Resource Allocation in the Incentive Model as a Dynamic Stochastic Inverse Stackelberg Game”, Mathematics, 6:8 (2018), 131