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JOURNALS // Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics

Keldysh Institute preprints, 2018, 027, 28 pp. (Mi ipmp2389)

Quantum-classical modeling of rhodopsin photoisomerization
A. S. Shigaev, T. B. Feldman, V. A. Nadtochenko, M. A. Ostrovsky, V. D. Lakhno

This publication is cited in the following articles:
  1. A. S. Shigaev, I. V. Likhachev, V. D. Lakhno, “Problemy kvantovo-klassicheskogo modelirovaniya pervichnoi fotoreaktsii v rodopsine”, Matem. biologiya i bioinform., 17:2 (2022), 360–385  mathnet  crossref  elib
  2. A.S. Shigaev, I.V. Lihachev, V.D. Lakhno, Proceedings of the International Conference “Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics”, 9, Proceedings of the International Conference “Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics”, 2022  crossref

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