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JOURNALS // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2024, Volume 538, Issue 2, Pages 128431–25 (Mi jmaa13)

Sampling discretization of the uniform norm and applications
Egor Kosov, Vladimir Temlyakov

This publication is cited in the following articles:
  1. I. V. Limonova, Yu. V. Malykhin, V. N. Temlyakov, “One-sided discretization inequalities and recovery from samples”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:3 (2024), 149–180  mathnet  mathnet  crossref
  2. I. V. Limonova, Yu. V. Malykhin, V. N. Temlyakov, “One-sided discretization inequalities and sampling recovery”, Russian Math. Surveys, 79:3 (2024), 515–545  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref

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