This publication is cited in the following articles:
E. B. Yarovaya, “Spectral methods and their applications in analysis of branching random walks”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 69:4 (2024), 695–711
D. M. Balashova, “Branching Random Walks with Alternating Sign Intensities of Branching Sources”, J Math Sci, 262:4 (2022), 442
Elena Yarovaya, Daria Balashova, Ivan Khristolyubov, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 371, Recent Developments in Stochastic Methods and Applications, 2021, 144
Anastasiia Rytova, Elena Yarovaya, “Survival analysis of particle populations in branching random walks”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50:10 (2021), 3031
Ekaterina Vl. Bulinskaya, “Maximum of Catalytic Branching Random Walk with Regularly Varying Tails”, J Theor Probab, 34:1 (2021), 141
E. B. Yarovaya, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 358, Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis, 2021, 387
Ekaterina Vl. Bulinskaya, “Catalytic branching random walk with semi-exponential increments”, Mathematical Population Studies, 28:3 (2021), 123
E. M. Ermishkina, E. B. Yarovaya, “Simulation of Branching Random Walks on a Multidimensional Lattice”, J Math Sci, 254:4 (2021), 469
A. I. Rytova, E. B. Yarovaya, “Moments of the numbers of particles in a heavy-tailed branching random walk”, Russian Math. Surveys, 74:6 (2019), 1126–1128
I. Khristolyubov, E. B. Yarovaya, “A limit theorem for supercritical random branching walks with branching sources of varying intensity”, Theory Probab. Appl., 64:3 (2019), 365–384
Ekaterina Vl. Bulinskaya, Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, 2019, 6
E. Yarovaya, “Operator equations of branching random walks”, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab., 21:3 (2019), 1007–1021
Ekaterina Ermishkina, Elena Yarovaya, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 231, Statistics and Simulation, 2018, 129
E. B. Yarovaya, “Spectral asymptotics of supercritical branching random process”, Theory Probab. Appl., 62:3 (2018), 413–431