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JOURNALS // Matematicheskie Zametki

Mat. Zametki, 1987, Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 598–607 (Mi mzm4883)

Lower bounds on the size of bounded depth circuits over a complete basis with logical addition
A. A. Razborov

This publication is cited in the following articles:
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  2. Yilei Chen, Jiatu Li, Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2024, 620  crossref
  3. Shivam Nadimpalli, Natalie Parham, Francisca Vasconcelos, Henry Yuen, Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2024, 1498  crossref
  4. Yuyu Wang, Chuanjie Su, Jiaxin Pan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14921, Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2024, 2024, 251  crossref
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  19. Lijie Chen, Hanlin Ren, “Strong Average-Case Circuit Lower Bounds from Nontrivial Derandomization”, SIAM J. Comput., 51:3 (2022), STOC20-115  crossref
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  37. Prerona Chatterjee, Mrinal Kumar, C Ramya, Ramprasad Saptharishi, Anamay Tengse, 2020 IEEE 61st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2020, 870  crossref
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  40. Lijie Chen, Xin Lyu, R. Ryan Williams, 2020 IEEE 61st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2020, 1  crossref
  41. Russell Impagliazzo, Sasank Mouli, Toniann Pitassi, Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 2020, 591  crossref
  42. Srikanth Srinivasan, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2020, 1349  crossref
  43. Roei Tell, “Improved Bounds for Quantified Derandomization of Constant-Depth Circuits and Polynomials”, comput. complex., 28:2 (2019), 259  crossref
  44. Prahladh Harsha, Srikanth Srinivasan, “On polynomial approximations to AC”, Random Struct Algorithms, 54:2 (2019), 289  crossref
  45. Adi Akavia, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Max Leibovich, “Setup-Free Secure Search on Encrypted Data: Faster and Post-Processing Free”, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2019:3 (2019), 87  crossref
  46. Lijie Chen, Roei Tell, Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2019, 34  crossref
  47. Lijie Chen, 2019 IEEE 60th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2019, 1281  crossref
  48. Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi, “The Computational Power of Depth Five Arithmetic Circuits”, SIAM J. Comput., 48:1 (2019), 144  crossref
  49. Marvin Künnemann, Daniel Moeller, Ramamohan Paturi, Stefan Schneider, “Subquadratic Algorithms for Succinct Stable Matching”, Algorithmica, 81:7 (2019), 2991  crossref
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  55. Matteo Campanelli, Rosario Gennaro, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11240, Theory of Cryptography, 2018, 66  crossref
  56. Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Alain Passelègue, Amit Sahai, David J. Wu, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11240, Theory of Cryptography, 2018, 699  crossref
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  58. Valentine Kabanets, Daniel M. Kane, Zhenjian Lu, Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2017, 615  crossref
  59. Gil Cohen, Amir Shpilka, Avishay Tal, “On the degree of univariate polynomials over the integers”, Combinatorica, 37:3 (2017), 419  crossref
  60. Michael A. Forbes, Amir Shpilka, Ben Lee Volk, Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2017, 653  crossref
  61. Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Eran Tromer, Madars Virza, “Scalable Zero Knowledge Via Cycles of Elliptic Curves”, Algorithmica, 79:4 (2017), 1102  crossref
  62. Johan Håstad, Benjamin Rossman, Rocco A. Servedio, Li-Yang Tan, “An Average-Case Depth Hierarchy Theorem for Boolean Circuits”, J. ACM, 64:5 (2017), 1  crossref
  63. Olaf Beyersdorff, Ilario Bonacina, Chew Leroy, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, 2016, 249  crossref
  64. Zachary Remscrim, 2016 IEEE 57th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2016, 197  crossref
  65. Daniel Moeller, Ramamohan Paturi, Stefan Schneider, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9691, Computer Science – Theory and Applications, 2016, 294  crossref
  66. Josh Alman, Timothy M. Chan, Ryan Williams, 2016 IEEE 57th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2016, 467  crossref
  67. Akshay Degwekar, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9816, Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2016, 2016, 533  crossref
  68. Emmanuel Abbe, Amir Shpilka, Avi Wigderson, Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing, 2015, 297  crossref
  69. Brendan Juba, Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, 2015, 93  crossref
  70. Emmanuel Abbe, Amir Shpilka, Avi Wigderson, “Reed–Muller Codes for Random Erasures and Errors”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 61:10 (2015), 5229  crossref
  71. Benjamin Rossman, Rocco A. Servedio, Li-Yang Tan, 2015 IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2015, 1030  crossref
  72. Benjamin Rossman, Rocco A. Servedio, Li-Yang Tan, “Complexity Theory Column 89”, SIGACT News, 46:4 (2015), 50  crossref
  73. Joan Boyar, Magnus Gausdal Find, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9210, Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 2015, 106  crossref
  74. Joshua A. Grochow, “Unifying Known Lower Bounds via Geometric Complexity Theory”, comput. complex., 24:2 (2015), 393  crossref
  75. Chia-Jung Lee, Satyanarayana V. Lokam, Shi-Chun Tsai, Ming-Chuan Yang, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2015, 501  crossref
  76. Josh Alman, Ryan Williams, 2015 IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2015, 136  crossref
  77. Ruiwen Chen, Valentine Kabanets, Antonina Kolokolova, Ronen Shaltiel, David Zuckerman, “Mining Circuit Lower Bound Proofs for Meta-Algorithms”, comput. complex., 24:2 (2015), 333  crossref
  78. Hervé Fournier, Nutan Limaye, Meena Mahajan, Srikanth Srinivasan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9235, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2015, 2015, 324  crossref
  79. Nikhil Balaji, Andreas Krebs, Nutan Limaye, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9198, Computing and Combinatorics, 2015, 199  crossref
  80. Andrew Drucker, Fabian Kuhn, Rotem Oshman, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing, 2014, 367  crossref
  81. Akinori KAWACHI, “Proving Circuit Lower Bounds in High Uniform Classes”, IIS, 20:1 (2014), 1  crossref
  82. Ryan Williams, 2014 IEEE 29th Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), 2014, 248  crossref
  83. Ruiwen Chen, Valentine Kabanets, Antonina Kolokolova, Ronen Shaltiel, David Zuckerman, 2014 IEEE 29th Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), 2014, 262  crossref
  84. Ryan Williams, Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 2014, 664  crossref
  85. Kei UCHIZAWA, “Lower Bounds for Threshold Circuits of Bounded Energy”, IIS, 20:1 (2014), 27  crossref
  86. Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Balagopal Komarath, Jayalal Sarma, Sven Skyum, Navid Talebanfard, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8635, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2014, 2014, 336  crossref
  87. Albert Atserias, Anuj Dawar, “Degree lower bounds of tower-type for approximating formulas with parity quantifiers”, ACM Trans. Comput. Logic, 15:1 (2014), 1  crossref
  88. Ruiwen Chen, Valentine Kabanets, Jeff Kinne, “Lower Bounds Against Weakly-Uniform Threshold Circuits”, Algorithmica, 70:1 (2014), 47  crossref
  89. Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Ricard Gavaldà, Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Denis Thérien, “Learning Read-Constant Polynomials of Constant Degree Modulo Composites”, Theory Comput Syst, 55:2 (2014), 404  crossref
  90. Benjamin Rossman, Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 2014, 203  crossref
  91. Ryan Williams, “Nonuniform ACC Circuit Lower Bounds”, J. ACM, 61:1 (2014), 1  crossref
  92. Alexander A. Razborov, The Mathematics of Paul Erdős I, 2013, 425  crossref
  93. Andrej Bogdanov, Akinori Kawachi, Hidetoki Tanaka, “Hard Functions for Low-Degree Polynomials over Prime Fields”, ACM Trans. Comput. Theory, 5:2 (2013), 1  crossref
  94. Shachar Lovett, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Amir Shpilka, “Pseudorandom generators for CC0[p] and the Fourier spectrum of low-degree polynomials over finite fields”, comput. complex., 22:4 (2013), 679  crossref
  95. Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Jacobo Torán, Fabian Wagner, “Graph Isomorphism is Not AC0-Reducible to Group Isomorphism”, ACM Trans. Comput. Theory, 5:4 (2013), 1  crossref
  96. A. P. Davydow, S. I. Nikolenko, “Circuit complexity of linear functions: gate elimination and feeble security”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 188:1 (2013), 35–46  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  97. Ruiwen Chen, Valentine Kabanets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7434, Computing and Combinatorics, 2012, 408  crossref
  98. V. V. Podolskii, “Exponential lower bound for bounded depth circuits with few threshold gates”, Inform. Process. Lett., 112:7 (2012), 267–271  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  99. Guy N. Rothblum, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7417, Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2012, 2012, 552  crossref
  100. Albert Atserias, Anuj Dawar, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7392, Automata, Languages, and Programming, 2012, 67  crossref
  101. Dmitry Gavinsky, Shachar Lovett, Srikanth Srinivasan, 2012 IEEE 27th Conference on Computational Complexity, 2012, 287  crossref
  102. Ido Ben-Eliezer, Rani Hod, Shachar Lovett, “Random low-degree polynomials are hard to approximate”, comput. complex., 21:1 (2012), 63  crossref
  103. Gil Cohen, Amir Shpilka, Avishay Tal, Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference, 2012, 409  crossref
  104. Richard J. Lipton, Kenneth W. Regan, Atri Rudra, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6907, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2011, 2011, 436  crossref
  105. Andrej Bogdanov, Akinori Kawachi, Hidetoki Tanaka, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6907, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2011, 2011, 120  crossref
  106. Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Ricard Gavaldà, Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Denis Thérien, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6651, Computer Science – Theory and Applications, 2011, 29  crossref
  107. Fengming Wang, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6648, Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 2011, 164  crossref
  108. Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Shachar Lovett, 2011 IEEE 26th Annual Conference on Computational Complexity, 2011, 300  crossref
  109. Sebastian Faust, Tal Rabin, Leonid Reyzin, Eran Tromer, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6110, Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2010, 2010, 135  crossref
  110. Mark Braverman, “Polylogarithmic independence fools AC 0 circuits”, J. ACM, 57:5 (2010), 1  crossref
  111. Parikshit Gopalan, Subhash Khot, Rishi Saket, “Hardness of Reconstructing Multivariate Polynomials over Finite Fields”, SIAM J. Comput., 39:6 (2010), 2598  crossref
  112. Shachar Lovett, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Amir Shpilka, 2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2010, 695  crossref
  113. Omer Barkol, Yuval Ishai, Enav Weinreb, “On d-Multiplicative Secret Sharing”, J Cryptol, 23:4 (2010), 580  crossref
  114. Mark Braverman, 2009 24th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 2009, 3  crossref
  115. Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Rafail Ostrovsky, Amit Sahai, “Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Secure Multiparty Computation”, SIAM J. Comput., 39:3 (2009), 1121  crossref
  116. Parikshit Gopalan, Shachar Lovett, Amir Shpilka, 2009 24th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 2009, 173  crossref
  117. Rahul Santhanam, “Circuit Lower Bounds for Merlin–Arthur Classes”, SIAM J. Comput., 39:3 (2009), 1038  crossref
  118. Benjamin Rossman, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5514, Logic, Language, Information and Computation, 2009, 350  crossref
  119. Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Avi Wigderson, 2009 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2009, 43  crossref
  120. Ido Ben-Eliezer, Rani Hod, Shachar Lovett, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5687, Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques, 2009, 366  crossref
  121. Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5675, Computer Science - Theory and Applications, 2009, 117  crossref
  122. Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Michal Koucký, 2009 24th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 2009, 27  crossref
  123. Vladimir V. Podolskii, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5010, Computer Science – Theory and Applications, 2008, 261  crossref
  124. Yael Tauman Kalai, Ran Raz, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5126, Automata, Languages and Programming, 2008, 536  crossref
  125. Parikshit Gopalan, “Query-Efficient Algorithms for Polynomial Interpolation over Composites”, SIAM J. Comput., 38:3 (2008), 1033  crossref
  126. Pavel Pudlák, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5010, Computer Science – Theory and Applications, 2008, 13  crossref
  127. Omer Barkol, Yuval Ishai, Enav Weinreb, Proceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 2008, 661  crossref
  128. Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, 2008 23rd Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 2008, 92  crossref
  129. Ran Raz, Amir Yehudayoff, 2008 23rd Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 2008, 128  crossref
  130. Rahul Santhanam, Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 2007, 275  crossref
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  133. Amitabha Roy, Howard Straubing, “Definability of Languages by Generalized First-Order Formulas over $(\mathbb{N},+)$”, SIAM J. Comput., 37:2 (2007), 502  crossref
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  140. Stephen Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Yong Zhang, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3623, Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 2005, 44  crossref
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