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JOURNALS // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Belarus

Tr. Inst. Mat., 2021, Volume 29, Number 1-2, Pages 176–188 (Mi timb354)

The restrictions of representations of special linear groups to subsystem subgroups of type $A_1\times A_1$
A. A. Osinovskaya

This publication is cited in the following articles:
  1. A. A. Osinovskaya, “Kompozitsionnye faktory ogranichenii modulyarnykh predstavlenii gruppy $SL_{r+1}(K)$ na poluprostye podgruppy”, Voprosy teorii predstavlenii algebr i grupp. 39, Zap. nauchn. sem. POMI, 522, POMI, SPb., 2023, 113–124  mathnet
  2. A. A. Osinovskaya, “Podmoduli Veilya v ogranicheniyakh predstavlenii prostykh algebraicheskikh grupp na podgruppy $SL_2(K)$”, Tr. In-ta matem., 31:2 (2023), 57–62  mathnet

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