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JOURNALS // Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika

TMF, 1976, Volume 27, Number 3, Pages 283–287 (Mi tmf3330)

Generalization of the inverse scattering problem method
V. E. Zakharov, S. V. Manakov

This publication is cited in the following articles:
  1. A. M. Samoilenko, Ya. A. Prykarpatsky, D. Blackmore, A. K. Prykarpatsky, “Theory of Multidimensional Delsarte–Lions Transmutation Operators. II”, Ukr Math J, 71:6 (2019), 921  crossref
  2. V. H. Samoilenko, Yu. I. Samoilenko, “Asymptotic m-phase soliton-type solutions of a singularly perturbed Korteweg–de Vries equation with variable coefficients”, Ukr Math J, 64:7 (2012), 1109  crossref
  3. Sergeev, SM, “Supertetrahedra and superalgebras”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50:8 (2009), 083519  crossref  isi
  4. A.I. Zenchuk, “Combination of Inverse Spectral Transform Method and Method of Characteristics: Deformed Pohlmeyer Equation”, JNMP, 15:supplement 3 (2008), 437  crossref
  5. V. H. Samoilenko, Yu. I. Samoilenko, “Asymptotic solutions of the Cauchy problem for the singularly perturbed Korteweg-de Vries equation with variable coefficients”, Ukr Math J, 59:1 (2007), 126  crossref
  6. Zenchuk, AI, “Multidimensional hierarchies of (1+1)-dimensional integrable partial differential equations. Nonsymmetric partial derivative-dressing”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41:9 (2000), 6248  crossref  isi
  7. A.I. Zenchuk, “On the dressing method in multidimension”, Physics Letters A, 277:1 (2000), 25  crossref
  8. R.A. Kraenkel, M. Senthilvelan, A.I. Zenchuk, “Lie symmetry analysis and reductions of a two-dimensional integrable generalization of the Camassa–Holm equation”, Physics Letters A, 273:3 (2000), 183  crossref
  9. Marcus V Mesquita, Áurea R Vasconcellos, Roberto Luzzi, “Irreversible Processes in the Context of a Nonequilibrium Statistical Ensemble Formalism”, Phys. Scr., 59:4 (1999), 257  crossref
  10. V. K. Mel'nikov, “Conservation laws for a class of systems of nonlinear evolution equations”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 15:1 (1981), 33–47  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  11. V. E. Zakharov, Topics in Current Physics, 17, Solitons, 1980, 243  crossref
  12. V. E. Zakharov, A. B. Shabat, “Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 13:3 (1979), 166–174  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  13. J.L. Gervais, A. Neveu, M.A. Virasoro, “Non-classical configurations in Euclidean field theory as minima of constrained systems”, Nuclear Physics B, 138:1 (1978), 45  crossref

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