А. Н. Павленко, “Кипение в публикациях ТВТ: от базовых механизмов к разработке методов управления потоками для интенсификации теплообмена”, ТВТ, 61:6 (2023), 807–824 [A. N. Pavlenko, TVT, 61:6 (2023), 807–824]
Д. А. Швецов, А. Н. Павленко, А. Е. Брестер, В. И. Жуков, “Инверсия кривой кипения на микроструктурированных пористых покрытиях”, ТВТ, 61:3 (2023), 405–409; D. A. Shvetsov, A. N. Pavlenko, A. E. Brester, V. I. Zhukov, “Inversion of the boiling curve on microstructured porous coatings”, High Temperature, 61:3 (2023), 372–376
A. N. Pavlenko, “Boiling in High Temperature Publications: from Basic Mechanisms to Development of Flow Control Methods for Enhancement of Heat Transfer”, High Temp, 61:6 (2023), 742
Yutaro Umehara, Keisuke Yamagata, Tomio Okawa, “Spatial distribution of heat transfer coefficient in the vicinity of wetting front during falling liquid film cooling of a vertical hot wall”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 185 (2022), 122422
V. I. Kalita, D. I. Komlev, A. A. Radyuk, V. S. Komlev, “Structure of Three-Dimensional Capillary Porous Plasma Bronze Coatings”, Russ. Metall., 2022:5 (2022), 528
A. N. Pavlenko, D. V. Kuznetsov, “Development of methods for heat transfer enhancement during nitrogen boiling to ensure stabilization of hts devices”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 30:4 (2021), 526–562
A. N. Pavlenko, D. V. Kuznetsov, V. P. Bessmeltsev, “Experimental study on heat transfer and critical heat flux during pool boiling of nitrogen on 3D printed structured copper capillary-porous coatings”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 30:3 (2021), 341–349
I. P. Starodubtseva, D. V. Kuznetsov, A. N. Pavlenko, “Experiments and modeling on cryogenic quenching enhancement by the structured capillary-porous coatings of surface”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 176 (2021), 121388
V. N. Sokolov, M. S. Chernov, V. I. Kalita, D. I. Komlev, A. A. Radyuk, “The structure and porosity of plasma coatings”, Inorg. Mater.-Appl. Res., 12:3 (2021), 718–726
A. R. Zabirov, I. A. Molotova, I. A. Belyaev, V. A. Ryazantsev, V. V. Yagov, “Concerning the methods of thermocouple embedding in experimental studies of cooling the high-temperature bodies in subcooled and saturated liquids”, Thermophys. Aeromechanics, 28:3 (2021), 447–454
V. I. Kalita, D. I. Komlev, A. G. Gnedovets, A. A. Radyuk, “Experimental shear strength study of a composite material: a cylindrical titanium implant simulator with flanges and plastic”, Materialia, 16 (2021), 101097
A. A. Lepeshev, A. V. Ushakov, I. V. Karpov, G. M. Zeer, V. G. Demin, E. A. Dorozhkina, O. N. Karpova, L. Y. Fedorov, A. A. Shaikhadinov, M. V. Brungardt, E. A. Goncharova, L. A. Irtyugo, “Experimental study of the thermal state of plasma coatings”, Inorg. Mater.-Appl. Res., 12:1 (2021), 83–87
D. V. Kuznetsov, A. N. Pavlenko, O. A. Volodin, “Effect of structuring by deformational cutting on heat transfer and dynamics of transient cooling processes with liquid film flowing onto a copper plate”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 29:4 (2020), 531–541
D. V. Kuznetsov, A. N. Pavlenko, A. A. Radyuk, D. I. Komlev, V. I. Kalita, “Features of heat transfer during pool boiling of nitrogen on surfaces with capillary-porous coatings of various thicknesses”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 29:3 (2020), 375–387
R. Li, Ch. Zhang, Zh. Huang, “Quenching and rewetting of rock in liquid nitrogen: characterizing heat transfer and surface effects”, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 148 (2020), 106161
A Yu Ivannikov, A A Kirsankin, T A Kalayda, M A Sevostyanov, “Research and development of the inert gas atomization of the wire by means of arc spraying”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 848:1 (2020), 012111
М. А. Лексин, В. В. Ягов, А. Р. Забиров, П. К. Канин, М. М. Виноградов, И. А. Молотова, “Исследование интенсивного охлаждения высокотемпературных тел в бинарной смеси вода–изопропанол”, ТВТ, 58:3 (2020), 393–401; M. A. Lexin, V. V. Yagov, A. R. Zabirov, P. K. Kanin, M. M. Vinogradov, I. A. Molotova, “Investigation of intensive cooling of high-temperature bodies in binary water–isopropanol mixture”, High Temperature, 58:3 (2020), 369–376
Z. Zhao, H. Li, X. Li, A. N. Pavlenko, X. Gao, “Flow pattern of miscellaneous liquids with varied flow rates on structured corrugation sic foam packing”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 28:3 (2019), 305–312
Ch. Feng, S. Chandra, “Evaporation of ethanol films wicking on structured, porous coatings deposited on copper plates”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 136 (2019), 821–831
A N Pavlenko, “Perspectives and problematic issues in the development of heat transfer enhancement methods at boiling and evaporation”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1359:1 (2019), 012001
A N Pavlenko, D V Kuznetsov, O A Volodin, N N Zubkov, “Heat transfer and dynamics of transient processes at liquid film flowing on smooth and modified surfaces”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1369:1 (2019), 012052
Pavlenko A.N. Kuznetsov V D. Surtaev A.S., “Experimental Study of the Influence of Structured Capillary-Porous Coatings on the Dynamics of Development of Transient Processes and the Crisis Phenomena At Stepwise Heat Release”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 27:3 (2018), 285–293
Starodubtseva I.P., Pavlenko A.N., “Quenching By Falling Cryogenic Liquid Film of Extremely Overheated Plate With Structured Capillary-Porous Coating”, J. Eng. Thermophys., 27:3 (2018), 294–302