This publication is cited in the following articles:
Andrey Yarkov, Alexey Kiverin, Ivan Yakovenko, “Effect of channel geometry on the flame acceleration and transition to detonation in acetylene-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures”, Acta Astronautica, 217 (2024), 273
A. E. Smygalina, A. D. Kiverin, TVT, 62:2 (2024), 297–306
A. V. Yarkov, A. D. Kiverin, I. S. Yakovenko, “Flame acceleration in a channel: effects of the channel width and wall roughness”, Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 59:4 (2023), 415–423
I. S. Yakovenko, A. D. Kiverin, “Development of nonstationary combustion processes in foamed emulsions”, High Temperature, 60:6 (2022), 860–864
A. D. Kiverin, I. S. Medvedkov, I. S. Yakovenko, “Criterion of Transition to Detonation in Freely Expanding Flames”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 16:6 (2022), 1075