This publication is cited in the following articles:
Inna Elyukhina, “Mathematical Models in High-Temperature Viscometry: A Review”, Mathematics, 11:10 (2023), 2300
I. V. Elyuhina, “Oscillating-cup viscometer for nonlinear fluids in forced mode”, High Temperature, 60:3 (2022), 328–334
Diao J., Liu L., Gu W., Gu P., Wang G., Xie B., “Investigation on Viscosity and Melting Temperature of Vanadium, Titanium, Chromium Containing Hot Metal”, Steel Res. Int., 90:8 (2019), 1900069
Elyukhina I., “Modeling the Experiments in An Oscillating Cylinder Viscometry”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (Icnaam-2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1648, eds. Simos T., Tsitouras C., Amer Inst Physics, 2015, UNSP 850077
Inna Elyukhina, “Oscillating-cup technique for yield stress and density measurement”, J Mater Sci, 48:12 (2013), 4387
I Elyukhina, G Vyatkin, “Software for oscillating-cup viscometry: verification of data reasonableness and parametric identification of rheological model”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 98:2 (2008), 022011