This publication is cited in the following articles:
Sh. B. Kasenova, Zh. I. Sagintaeva, B. K. Kasenov, S. Zh. Davrenbekov, S. M. Sergazina, E. K. Zhumadilov, “Heat capacity and electrophysical properties of $\mathrm{GdMeFe_2O_5}$($\mathrm{Me}$–$\mathrm{Li}$, $\mathrm{Na}$, $\mathrm{K}$, $\mathrm{Cs}$)-type ferrites”, High Temperature, 51:1 (2013), 54–59
E. E. Son, “Current investigations of thermophysical properties of substances (based on recent publications in the journal High Temperature)”, High Temperature, 51:3 (2013), 351–368
B. K. Kasenov, S. Zh. Davrenbekov, Sh. B. Kasenova, Zh. I. Sagintaeva, A. Zh. Abildaeva, B. T. Ermagambet, M. A. Isabaeva, M. O. Turtubaeva, E. Zh. Zhumadilov, “Thermodynamic and electrophysical properties of $\mathrm{LaSrMnFeO_{5,5}}$ ferrite”, High Temperature, 50:6 (2012), 736–738