Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ

Зап. научн. сем. ПОМИ, 2010, том 377, страницы 78–90 (Mi znsl3816)

Towards finite-fold Diophantine representations
Yu. Matiyasevich

Эта публикация цитируется в следующих статьяx:
  1. Apoloniusz Tyszka, “Constructive mathematics with the predicate of the current mathematical knowledge”, SSRN Journal, 2024  crossref
  2. Apoloniusz Tyszka, Computation, Cryptography, and Network Security, 2015, 577  crossref
  3. Tyszka A., “Mupad Codes Which Implement Limit-Computable Functions That Cannot Be Bounded By Any Computable Function”, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2014, Acsis-Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 2, IEEE, 2014, 623–629  crossref  isi  scopus

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