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S. Belliard, S. Pakuliak, E. Ragoucy, N. A. Slavnov, “Bethe vectors of $GL(3)$-invariant integrable models”, J. Stat. Mech., 2013:2 (2013), 2020–24
Karol K. Kozlowski, Evgeny K. Sklyanin, “Combinatorics of Generalized Bethe Equations”, Lett Math Phys, 103:10 (2013), 1047
Anastasia Doikou, “Transmission matrices in $ \mathfrak{g}{{\mathfrak{l}}_{\mathcal{N}}} $ & $ {{\mathfrak{U}}_q}\left( {\mathfrak{g}{{\mathfrak{l}}_{\mathcal{N}}}} \right) $ quantum spin chains”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2013:8 (2013)
Anastasia Doikou, Nikos Karaiskos, “Transmission amplitudes from Bethe ansatz equations”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2013:2 (2013)
Anastasia Doikou, “Type-I integrable quantum impurities in the Heisenberg model”, Nuclear Physics B, 877:3 (2013), 885
Ivan Kostov, Yutaka Matsuo, “Inner products of Bethe states as partial domain wall partition functions”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2012:10 (2012)
Dmytro Volin, “String Hypothesis for Spin Chains: A Particle/Hole Democracy”, Lett Math Phys, 102:1 (2012), 1
Ivan Kostov, “Three-point function of semiclassical states at weak coupling”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 45:49 (2012), 494018
G. Banaszak, S. Barańczuk, T. Lulek, J. Milewski, R. Stagraczyński, “Galois Properties of the Eigenproblem of the Hexagonal Magnetic Heisenberg Ring”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, 121:5-6 (2012), 1111
Rei Inoue, Atsuo Kuniba, Taichiro Takagi, “Integrable structure of box–ball systems: crystal, Bethe ansatz, ultradiscretization and tropical geometry”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 45:7 (2012), 073001
J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 181:6 (2012), 914–920
Atsuo Kuniba, Tomoki Nakanishi, Junji Suzuki, “T-systems andY-systems in integrable systems”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 44:10 (2011), 103001
C. F. Sun, K. Xue, G. C. Wang, C. C. Zhou, G. J. Du, “The topological basis realization and the corresponding XXX spin chain”, EPL, 94:5 (2011), 50001
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P. P. Kulish, N. Manojlović, Z. Nagy, “Symmetries of spin systems and Birman–Wenzl–Murakami algebra”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51:4 (2010)
B Lulek, T Lulek, “Magnonic qudit and algebraic Bethe Ansatz”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 213 (2010), 012009
Jean Avan, Anastasia Doikou, Konstadinos Sfetsos, “Systematic classical continuum limits of integrable spin chains and emerging novel dualities”, Nuclear Physics B, 840:3 (2010), 469
A. L. Malvezzi, M. J. Martins, “Excitations and finite-size properties of an integrable supersymmetric electronic model”, Phys. Rev. B, 81:3 (2010)
M Labuz, T Lulek, “Bethe Ansatz solutions for two qudits”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 213 (2010), 012019
T Lulek, S Topolewicz, “A complete set of commuting operators for the Bethe ansatz”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 43:49 (2010), 495201
D Jakubczyk, T Lulek, P Jakubczyk, B Lulek, “Algebraic Bethe Ansatz forN= 4”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 213 (2010), 012020
R Stagraczynski, T Lulek, “Particle-hole symmetry in algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the XXX model”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 213 (2010), 012008
Ronny Thomale, D. P. Arovas, B. Andrei Bernevig, “Nonlocal Order in Gapless Systems: Entanglement Spectrum in Spin Chains”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105:11 (2010)
Fabian H L Essler, Robert M Konik, “Finite-temperature dynamical correlations in massive integrable quantum field theories”, J. Stat. Mech., 2009:09 (2009), P09018
E. Mukhin, V. Tarasov, A. Varchenko, “Bethe Algebra of Homogeneous XXX Heisenberg Model has Simple Spectrum”, Commun. Math. Phys., 288:1 (2009), 1
Tetsuo Deguchi, Chihiro Matsui, “Form factors of integrable higher-spin XXZ chains and the affine quantum-group symmetry”, Nuclear Physics B, 814:3 (2009), 405
S Belliard, N Crampé, É Ragoucy, “The scattering matrix for a generalgl(2) spin chain”, J. Stat. Mech., 2009:12 (2009), P12003
Anastasia Doikou, Konstadinos Sfetsos, “Contracted and expanded integrable structures”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 42:47 (2009), 475204
Anastasia Doikou, “Non-diagonal reflection for the non-criticalXXZmodel”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41:19 (2008), 194007
P. P. Kulish, N. Manojlovic, Z. Nagy, “Quantum symmetry algebras of spin systems related to Temperley–Lieb R-matrices”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49:2 (2008)
Rajan Murgan, “BoundarySmatrix of an open XXZ spin chain with nondiagonal boundary terms”, J. High Energy Phys., 2008:03 (2008), 053
Anastasia Doikou, Davide Fioravanti, Francesco Ravanini, “The generalized non-linear Schrödinger model on the interval”, Nuclear Physics B, 790:3 (2008), 465
Kazuhiro Sakai, Yuji Satoh, “On the origin of the dressing phase in N=4 super-Yang–Mills”, Physics Letters B, 661:2-3 (2008), 216
Anastasia Doikou, “Generic boundary scattering in the open XXZ chain”, Physics Letters A, 372:23 (2008), 4144
Petr P. Kulish, “Models solvable by Bethe Ansatz”, J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl., 2:3 (2008), 190
Akinori Nishino, Tetsuo Deguchi, “An Algebraic Derivation of the Eigenspaces Associated with an Ising-Like Spectrum of the Superintegrable Chiral Potts Model”, J Stat Phys, 133:4 (2008), 587
A. G. Antipov, I. V. Komarov, “String limit of the isotropic Heisenberg chain in the four-particle sector”, Phys. Atom. Nuclei, 71:5 (2008), 788
A. G. Bytsko, I. E. Shenderovich, “On string solutions of Bethe equations in $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 151:2 (2008), 2840–2847
P. P. Kulish, N. Manoilovich, “Quantum algebras with representation ring of $\operatorname{sl}(2)$ type”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 151:2 (2008), 2894–2900
Anastasia Doikou, “A note on the boundary spin s XXZ chain”, Physics Letters A, 366:6 (2007), 556
Xue-Hong Wang, Chunfeng Wu, “Modified Heisenbeg Model and the Structure of Its Energy Spectrum”, Int J Theor Phys, 46:11 (2007), 2967
Rob Hagemans, Jean-Sébastien Caux, “Deformed strings in the Heisenberg model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 40:49 (2007), 14605
Kazuhiro Sakai, Yuji Satoh, “Microscopic formulation of the S-matrix in AdS/CFT”, J. High Energy Phys., 2007:12 (2007), 044
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N Crampé, L Frappat, É Ragoucy, “The thermodynamical limit of generalgl(N) spin chains: the vacuum state and densities”, J. Stat. Mech., 2007:03 (2007), P03014
Tetsuo Deguchi, “Regular XXZ Bethe states at roots of unity as highest weight vectors of thesl2loop algebra”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 40:27 (2007), 7473
A. Foerster, E. Ragoucy, “Exactly solvable models in atomic and molecular physics”, Nuclear Physics B, 777:3 (2007), 373
Tetsuo Deguchi, “On the Degenerate Multiplicity of the $\mathrm{sl}_2$ Loop Algebra for the 6V Transfer Matrix at Roots of Unity”, SIGMA, 2 (2006), 021, 10 pp.
Anastasia Doikou, “The openXXZand associated models atqroot of unity”, J. Stat. Mech., 2006:09 (2006), P09010
O Golinelli, K Mallick, “Derivation of a matrix product representation for the asymmetric exclusion process from the algebraic Bethe ansatz”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 39:34 (2006), 10647
Anastasia Doikou, Paul P Martin, “On quantum group symmetry and Bethe ansatz for the asymmetric twin spin chain with integrable boundary”, J. Stat. Mech., 2006:06 (2006), P06004
Herman E Boos, Frank Göhmann, Andreas Klümper, Junji Suzuki, “Factorization of multiple integrals representing the density matrix of a finite segment of the Heisenberg spin chain”, J. Stat. Mech., 2006:04 (2006), P04001
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P. P. Kulish, P. D. Ryasichenko, “Spin chain connected to the quantum superalgebra $\mathrm{sl}_q(1\mid 1)$”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 138:3 (2006), 5711–5721
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H.E. Boos, M. Shiroishi, M. Takahashi, “First principle approach to correlation functions of spin- Heisenberg chain: fourth-neighbor correlators”, Nuclear Physics B, 712:3 (2005), 573
Anastasia Doikou, “On reflection algebras and twisted Yangians”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46:5 (2005)
Zoltán Nagy, Jean Avan, Anastasia Doikou, Geneviève Rollet, “Commuting quantum traces for quadratic algebras”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46:8 (2005)
D Arnaudon, N Crampé, A Doikou, L Frappat, É Ragoucy, “Analytical Bethe ansatz for closed and opengl(Script N)-spin chains in any representation”, J. Stat. Mech., 2005:02 (2005), P02007
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Akinori Nishino, Tetsuo Deguchi, “Completeness of Bethe ansatz for 1D Hubbard model with AB-flux through combinatorial formulas and exact enumeration of eigenstates”, Nuclear Physics B, 688:3 (2004), 266
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Anastasia Doikou, “Fused integrable lattice models with quantum impurities and open boundaries”, Nuclear Physics B, 668:3 (2003), 447
Anastasia Doikou, “Thermodynamics of the criticalRSOS(q1,q2;q) model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36:2 (2003), 329
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Anastasia Doikou, Andrei Babichenko, “Principal chiral model scattering and the alternating quantum spin chain”, Physics Letters B, 515:1-2 (2001), 220
Tetsuo Deguchi, “Non-regular eigenstate of theXXXmodel as some limit of the Bethe state”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 34:46 (2001), 9755
P. P. Kulish, N. Manojlović, “Creation operators and Bethe vectors of the osp(1|2) Gaudin model”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42:10 (2001), 4757
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