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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 1983, Volume 130, Pages 11–24 (Mi znsl4291)

An asymptotic behaviour of the prediction error
N. Ì. Âàbàyàn

This publication is cited in the following articles:
  1. N. M. Vabayan, M. S. Ginovyan, “On the prediction error for singular stationary processes and transfinite diameters of related sets”, Veroyatnost i statistika. 32, Posvyaschaetsya yubileyu Ildara Abdullovicha IBRAGIMOVA, Zap. nauchn. sem. POMI, 510, POMI, SPb., 2022, 28–50  mathnet

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