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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 1986, Volume 155, Pages 136–141 (Mi znsl5163)

On the dynamical system generated bó the equations of motion of Oldroyd fluids
A. Cotsiolis, A. P. Oskolkov

This publication is cited in the following articles:
  1. Manil T. Mohan, “A central limit theorem and moderate deviation principle for the stochastic 2D Oldroyd model of order one”, Stoch PDE: Anal Comp, 9:2 (2021), 510  crossref
  2. E. V. Plokhaya, “On Small Motions of Hydrodynamic Systems Containing a Viscoelastic Fluid”, Lobachevskii J Math, 42:5 (2021), 996  crossref
  3. D. Bhukta, S.R. Mishra, Mohammad Mainul Hoque, “Numerical simulation of heat transfer effect on Oldroyd 8-constant fluid with wire coating analysis”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 19:4 (2016), 1910  crossref
  4. A. P. Oskolkov, M. M. Akhmatov, A. A. Cotsiolis, “Equations of the motion of linear viscoelastic fluids and the equations of the filtration of fluids with delay”, J Math Sci, 49:5 (1990), 1203  crossref
  5. N. A. Karazeeva, A. P. Oskolkov, “Attractors and dynamical systems generated by initial-boundary problems for the equations of motion of viscoelastic fluids”, J Math Sci, 46:2 (1989), 1822  crossref
  6. N. A. Karazeeva, A. A. Kotsiolis, A. P. Oskolkov, “Dynamical system generated by the equations of motion of an Oldroyd fluid of order L”, J Math Sci, 47:2 (1989), 2399  crossref
  7. A. A. Cotsiolis, A. P. Oskolkov, “Limit behavior and on the attractor for the equations of motion of Oldroyd fluids”, J Math Sci, 40:5 (1988), 629  crossref

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