This publication is cited in the following articles:
L. I. Danilov, “On the spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a periodic smooth electric potential”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 221:3 (2024), 2165–2176
L. I. Danilov, “On the spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a periodic electric potential”, Sb. Math., 214:12 (2023), 1721–1750
N. D. Filonov, “Maxwell operator in a cylinder with coefficients that do not depend on the cross-sectional variables”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 32:1 (2021), 139–154
L. I. Danilov, “O spektre gamiltoniana Landau s periodicheskim elektricheskim potentsialom $V\in L^p_{\mathrm {loc}}(\mathbb{R}^2)$,
$p>1$”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 55 (2020), 42–59
Mamani C.R., Verri A.A., “A Note on the Spectrum of the Neumann Laplacian in Thin Periodic Waveguides”, Colloq. Math., 162:2 (2020), 211–234
M. V. Platonova, K. S. Ryadovkin, “Branching random walks on $\mathbf{Z}^d$ with periodic branching sources”, Theory Probab. Appl., 64:2 (2019), 229–248
L. I. Danilov, “O spektre relyativistskogo gamiltoniana Landau s periodicheskim elektricheskim potentsialom”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 54 (2019), 3–26
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Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Axel Pérez-Obiol, “On the Bound States of Magnetic Laplacians on Wedges”, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 82:2 (2018), 161
N. Filonov, “Absolute continuity of 2D Schrödinger operator with partially periodic coefficients”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:2 (2018), 383–398
A. O. Prokhorov, N. D. Filonov, “The Maxwell operator with periodic coefficients in a cylinder”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:6 (2018), 997–1006
L. I. Danilov, “O spektre periodicheskogo magnitnogo operatora Diraka”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 2016, no. 2(48), 3–21
Matěj Tušek, “On an extension of the Iwatsuka model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 49:36 (2016), 365205
Filonov N.D., Sobolev A.V., “on the Spectrum of An “Even” Periodic Schrodinger Operator With a Rational Magnetic Flux”, J. Spectr. Theory, 5:2 (2015), 381–398
Vu Hoang, Maria Radosz, “Absence of bound states for waveguides in two-dimensional periodic structures”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 55:3 (2014)
L. I. Danilov, “O spektre periodicheskogo operatora Shredingera s potentsialom iz prostranstva Morri”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. un-ta. Matem. Mekh. Kompyut. nauki, 2012, no. 3, 25–47
Hempel R., Kohlmann M., “A variational approach to dislocation problems for periodic Schrodinger operators”, J Math Anal Appl, 381:1 (2011), 166–178
Danilov L.I., “On Absolute Continuity of the Spectrum of a 3D Periodic Magnetic Dirac Operator”, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 71:4 (2011), 535–556
Danilov L.I., “On absolute continuity of the spectrum of a periodic magnetic Schrödinger operator”, J. Phys. A, 42:27 (2009), 275204, 20 pp.
Mantoiu M., Richard S., de Aldecoa R.T., “Spectral analysis for adjacency operators on graphs”, Ann Henri Poincaré, 8:7 (2007), 1401–1423
Frank R.L., Shterenberg R.G., “On the spectrum of partially periodic operators”, Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Operator Theory : Advances and Applications, 174, 2007, 35–50
Murata M., Tsuchida T., “Asymptotics of Green functions and the limiting absorption principle for elliptic operators with periodic coefficients”, J Math Kyoto Univ, 46:4 (2006), 713–754
L. I. Danilov, “Ob absolyutnoi nepreryvnosti spektra trekhmernogo periodicheskogo operatora Diraka”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 2006, no. 1(35), 49–76