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JOURNALS // Computer Research and Modeling

Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 943–954 (Mi crm827)

In memory of Rem Georgievich Barantsev
I. V. Andrianov, A. V. Shatrov


1. E. V. Alexeeva, R. G. Barantsev, A. V. Shatrov, “Connection of temperature asymptotics in the boundary layer”, Vestnik SPbGU, 1:8 (1996), 96–99 (in Russian)
2. I. V. Andrianov, R. G. Barantsev, L. I. Manevitch, Asymptotic Mathematics and Synergetics, URSS, Moscow, 2004, 304 pp. (in Russian)
3. R. G. Barantsev, “Calculation of the beginning of the supersonic part of a flat Laval nozzle with a straight sonic line”, Vestnik LGU, 1956, no. 19, 133–149 (in Russian)  mathscinet  zmath
4. R. G. Barantsev, “Boundary value problem for the equation $\psi_{\sigma\sigma}-K(\sigma)\psi_{00}=0$ with data on the characteristic and straight 00 lines $\sigma=const$”, Doklady AN SSSR, 113:3 (1957), 995–998 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath
5. R. G. Barantsev, “Two expansion theorems related to boundary value problems for the equation $\psi_{\sigma\sigma}-K(\sigma)\psi_{00}=0$”, Doklady AN SSSR, 113:4 (1957), 551–554 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet
6. R. G. Barantsev, “Expansion theorems related to boundary value problems for the equation $\psi_{\sigma\sigma}-K(\sigma)\psi_{00}=0$ in a strip with degeneracy or singularity on the boundary”, Doklady AN SSSR, 121:1 (1958), 9–12 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
7. R. G. Barantsev, I. A. Mikhailova, I. M. Tsitelov, “Determination of the order of perturbing functions in the method of small perturbations”, Inzhenernyj zhurnal, 1961, no. 2, 69–81 (in Russian)  mathscinet  zmath
8. R. G. Barantsev, “On the asymptotic law of equalization of a jump in a monatomic gas”, ZhETF, 42:3 (1962), 889–895 (in Russian)  zmath
9. R. G. Barantsev, “Separation of variables in the problem of scattering on a body of arbitrary shape”, Doklady AN SSSR, 147:3 (1962), 569–570 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet
10. R. G. Barantsev, “Method of integral moment kinetic equations”, Doklady AN SSSR, 151:5 (1963), 1038–1041 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet
11. R. G. Barantsev, “On the formulation of the problem of scattering at a finite distance”, Doklady AN SSSR, 157:5 (1964), 1060–1083 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet
12. R. G. Barantsev, V. G. Landman, “Scattering by a spheroid”, ZhVMMF, 1964, no. 4, 291–295 (in Russian) (Dop. k No)  mathnet  mathscinet
13. R. G. Barantsev, Lectures on transonic gas dynamics, LGU, Leningrad, 1965, 216 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
14. R. G. Barantsev, M. O. Lutset, “Boundary conditions for the Navier–Stokes equation in a rarefied gas”, Doklady AN SSSR, 173:5 (1967), 1060–1083 (in Russian)  mathnet  zmath
15. R. G. Barantsev, “Reflection of an atom from a hot lattice of hard spheres”, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. Fisika, 33:2 (1971), 424–426 (in Russian)
16. R. G. Barantsev, “Sequential modeling of the surface scattering function”, Uchenye zapiski TsAGI, 2:6 (1971), 62–70 (in Russian)  mathscinet
17. R. G. Barantsev, A. I. Erofeev, Yu. D. Nagornykh, A. A. Pyarnpuu, “Interaction of gases with solid surfaces”, Trudy III Vsesoyzn. Konf. po dynamike razrezhennykh gasov, Novosibirsk, 1971, 2–38 (in Russian)  mathscinet
18. R. G. Barantsev, “Interaction of gases with surfaces. Overview”, Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Gidromekhanika, 6, VINITI, 1972, 5–92 (in Russian)
19. R. G. Barantsev, V. V. Grudtsyn, “Asymptotics of the scattering matrix on the contours $r(\phi)=(1+\beta cos(\phi))^{\gamma}$”, Teoriya difraktsii i rasprostraneniya voln. 6-th Vsesoyzn. simpoz, v. 1, Erevan, 1973, 221–248 (in Russian)
20. R. G. Barantsev, Interaction of rarefied gases with streamlined surfaces, Nauka, Moscow, 1975, 344 pp.  mathscinet
21. R. G. Barantsev, “Hypersonic gas movements. Stationary non-viscous gas flow around bodies. Overview”, Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Gidromekhanika, 9, VINITI, 1976, 5–53 (in Russian)
22. R. G. Barantsev, V. V. Grudtsyn, “Asymptotic behavior of the Fourier coefficients for the problem of scattering on contours”, J. Soviet Math, 11:5 (1979), 680–686  mathnet  crossref  scopus
23. R. G. Barantsev, “The current state of the theory of interaction of gases with surfaces”, Trudy IV Vsesoyuz. konf. po dynamike razrezhennykh gasov, TsAGI, Moscow, 1971, 221–248 (in Russian)  zmath
24. R. G. Barantsev, N. M. Moskalyova, “Scattering by an adatom”, Simp. po vzaimodejstviyu atomnykh chastits s poverkhnost’yu tvyordogo tela, Tashkent, 1979, 32–33 (in Russian)
25. R. G. Barantsev, V. L. Sergeev, “Study of the inverse problem of gas scattering by a surface”, Trudy IV Vsesoyzn. konf. po dynamike razrezhennykh gasov, Novosibirsk, 1979, 54 (in Russian)
26. R. G. Barantsev, V. N. Engelgart, “The method of asymptotic integral iterations with the opening of singularities at points of divergence”, Vsesoyuz. konf. po asimptoticheskim metodam v teorii singulyarno-vozmushchennykh uravnenij. Tezisy dokl, v. 1, Alma-Ata, 1979, 115–117 (in Russian)
27. R. G. Barantsev, “Analytical methods in the dynamics of rarefied gases”, Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Ser. Mekhan. zhidkosti i gaza, 6, VINITI, 1981, 3–65 (in Russian)
28. R. G. Barantsev, Alexandr Alexandrovich Lyubishchev. 1870–1972, Nauka, Leningrad, 1982, 144 pp. (in Russian)
29. R. G. Barantsev, Giperzvukovaya aerodinamika ideal’nogo gaza, LGU, Leningrad, 1983, 116 pp.  mathscinet
30. R. G. Barantsev, V. N. Engelgart, Asymptotic methods in hypersonic aerodynamics, LGU, Leningrad, 1983, 88 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
31. R. G. Barantsev, V. N. Engelgart, Asymptotic methods in fluid and gas mechanics, LGU, Leningrad, 1987, 89 pp. (in Russian)
32. R. G. Barantsev, D. A. Pashkevich, “Connection of asymptotics in the transition layer”, Asimptoticheskie metody v zadachakh aerodinamiki i proektirovanii letatel’nykh apparatov, Irkutsk, 1994, 67–70 (in Russian)
33. R. G. Barantsev, A. V. Shatrov, “Connection of asymptotics in the boundary layer using the Padé approximant”, 10-th Zimnyaya shkola po mekhanike sploshnykh sred. Tezisy dokladov, Ekaterinburg, 1995, 24–25 (in Russian)
34. R. G. Barantsev, A. V. Shatrov, “Padé approximations for the connection of asymptotic solutions in a supersonic boundary layer”, Mezhd. Konf. “Matematicheskie modeli nelinejnykh vozbuzhdenij perenosa, dinamiki, upravleniya v kondensirovannykh sredakh”, Tver, 1996, 167 (in Russian)
35. R. G. Barantsev, E. B. Alekseeva, D. A. Pashkevich, “Application of the Padé approximant for calculating temperatures in a hypersonic boundary layer”, Teplomassoobmen-1996. Minskij mezhdunarodnyj forum (MIF-1996), Minsk, 1996, 114–118 (in Russian)
36. R. G. Barantsev, D. A. Pashkevich, A. V. Shatrov, “Heat transfer in the boundary layer of the reacting gas”, Teplomassoobmen-2000. Minskij mezhdunarodnyj forum (MIF- 2000), Minsk, 2000, 185–188 (in Russian)
37. R. G. Barantsev, Grains of memory, NITs “Rerulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2007, 324 pp. (in Russian)
38. R. G. Barantsev, People in letters, v. 1, Business and Friendship, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2007, 398 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
39. R. G. Barantsev, People in letters, v. 2, Around Lyubishchev, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2007, 500 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
40. R. G. Barantsev, People in letters, v. 3, Citizens of Science, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2008, 524 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
41. R. G. Barantsev, People in letters, v. 4, Philosophy and Synergetics, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya I khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2008, 516 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
42. R. G. Barantsev, People in letters, v. 5, Anthroposphere, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2009, 524 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
43. R. G. Barantsev, People in letters, v. 6, Fractal society, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2009, 532 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
44. R. G. Barantsev, Signs of attention, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2010, 522 pp. (in Russian)
45. R. G. Barantsev, Featured articles, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2010, 534 pp. (in Russian)
46. R. G. Barantsev, Letters from recent years, Institut komp’yuternykh issledovanij, NITs “Regulyarnaya I khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Moscow–Izhevsk, 2011, 522 pp. (in Russian)
47. M. V. Anolik, R. G. Barantsev, “Combination of asymptotics in the Knudsen layer. II Testing”, Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 21th Intern Symp., Book of Abstract. Maselle, 2 (1998), 75–76
48. R. G. Barantsev, V. M. Fyodorova, “Ray model for atom reflection from surface”, Arch. Mech. Stos, 21:3 (1969), 384–389
49. R. G. Barantsev, “Recent research results on gas-surface interaction”, Fluid. Dynam. Trans, 6:1 (1971), 17–75
50. R. G. Barantsev, E. V. Alexeeva, V. V. Fyodorova, A. V. Kopylova, “Application of a ray reflection model in the problem of highly rarefied gas flow past bodies”, Arch. Mech. Stos, 25:2 (1973), 227–232
51. R. G. Barantsev, “Soft sphere lattice scattering at oblique incidence”, Arch. Mech. Stos, 26:5 (1974), 784–794
52. R. G. Barantsev, “Local method in rarefied gas aerodynamics”, Engn. Trans, 26:1 (1978), 3–9  zmath
53. R. G. Barantsev, V. N. Engelgart, “Asymptotic solution of the problem of hypersonic perfect gas flow past blunted bodies”, XV Symp. on Fluid Mech. Abstract, Warshawa, 1981, 12–13
54. R. G. Barantsev, “Combination of asymptotics in the boundary layer by means of Pade-approximants”, 2-nd European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Abs. of Paper, Warsaw, 1994
55. R. G. Barantsev, “Combination of asymptotics in the Knudsen layer”, 20th Intern Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Beijing, 1996, 14
56. R. G. Barantsev, “Combination of asymptotics in the Knudsen layer. 1 Method”, Rarefied Gas Dynamics. Proc. of 20th Intern Symp, Beijing, 1996, 345–347
57. R. G. Barantsev, D. A. Pashkevich, “Combination of asymptotics in the gas boundary layer near wedge”, Asymptotics in Mech, St.-Petersburg, 1996, 16–17
58. R. G. Barantsev, V. V. Slipko, “Asymptotics of catastrophes at small control parametrs”, Asymptotics in Mech, St.-Petersburg, 1996, 18–19
59. R. Barantsev, D. Pashkevich, A. Shatrov, “Combination of asymptotics in the boundary layer of a reacting gas mixture”, Proc. of the 5th conf. on dynamic systems theory and applications, Lódź, 1999, 137–140
60. A. V. Shatrov, “Conjunction of asymptotics in boundary problems of hydrodynamics”, Optimization of Finite Element Approximations, Splines and Wevelets (OFEA’2001). Abstracts of International conference, St.-Petersburg, 2001, 59–60

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