Библиографический список
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Юрко В. А., Введение в теорию обратных спектральных задач, Физматлит, М., 2007, 384 с. |
2. |
Yurko V. A., “Inverse problems for matrix Sturm–Liouville operators”, Russian J. of Math. Physics, 13:1 (2006), 111–118 |
3. |
Carlson R., “An inverse problem for the matrix Schrödinger equation”, J. of Math. Analysis and Applications, 267 (2002), 564–575 |
4. |
Malamud M. M., “Uniqueness of the matrix Sturm–Liouville equation given a part of the monodromy matrix and borg type results”, Sturm–Liouville theory. Past and present, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005, 237–270 |
5. |
Yurko V. A., “Inverse problems for the matrix Sturm–Liouville equation on a finite interval”, Inverse Problems, 22 (2006), 1139–1149 |
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Chelkak D., Korotyaev E., “Weyl–Titchmarsh functions of vector-valued Sturm–Liouville operators on the unit interval”, J. of Functional Analysis, 257:5 (2009), 1546–1588 |