Библиографический список
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Kossovich L. Yu., Nonstationary problems in the theory of elastic thin shells, Saratov Univ. Press, Saratov, 1986 (in Russian) |
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Kaplunov J. D., Kossovich L. Y., Nolde E. V., Dynamics of thin walled elastic bodies, Academic Press, 1998 |
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Kaplunov J., Prikazchikov D. A., Prikazchikova L. A., “Dispersion of elastic waves in a strongly inhomogeneous three-layered plate”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 113–114 (2017), 169–179 |
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Kossovich L. Yu., Shevtsova Yu. V., “Asymptotic approximations of three-dimensional dynamic equations of elasticity theory in case of two-layered plates”, Problems of strenght and plasticity, 76 (2005), 102–111 (in Russian) |
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Prikazchikova L., Ece Ayd{\i}n Y., Erba{ş} B., Kaplunov J., “Asymptotic analysis of an anti-plane dynamic problem for a three-layered strongly inhomogeneous laminate”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2018 |
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Kaplunov J., Prikazchikov D., Sergushova O., “Multi-parametric analysis of the lowest natural frequencies of strongly inhomogeneous elastic rods”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 366 (2016), 264–276 |
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Kaplunov J. D., “Long-wave vibrations of a thinwalled body with fixed faces”, The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 48:3 (1995), 311–327 |
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Kaplunov J. D., Nolde E. V., “Long-wave vibrations of a nearly incompressible isotropic plate with fixed faces”, The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 55:3 (2002), 345–356 |
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Kaplunov J. D., Kossovich L. Yu., Rogerson G. A., “Direct asymptotic integration of the equations of transversely isotropic elasticity for a plate near cut-off frequencies”, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 53:2 (2000), 323–341 |
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Nolde E. V., Rogerson G. A., “Long wave asymptotic integration of the governing equations for a pre-stressed incompressible elastic layer with fixed faces”, Wave Motion, 36:3 (2002), 287–304 |
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Rogerson G. A., Sandiford K. J., Prikazchikova L. A., “Abnormal long wave dispersion phenomena in a slightly compressible elastic plate with non-classical boundary conditions”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 42:2 (2007), 298–309 |