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5. |
Suprunenko I.D., “Minimalnye polinomy elementov poryadka $p$ v neprivodimykh predstavleniyakh grupp Shevalle nad polyami kharakteristiki $p$”, Tr. In-ta matematiki SO RAN, 30 (1996), 126–163 |
6. |
Suprunenko I.D., “Unipotent elements of nonprime order in representations of the classical algebraic groups: two big Jordan blocks”, Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov POMI, 414, 2013, 193–241 |
7. |
Busel T.S., Suprunenko I.D., Testerman D., “The minimal polynomials of unipotent elements of non-prime order in irreducible representations of the exceptional algebraic groups in some good characteristics”, Dokl. NAN Belarusi, 63:5 (2019), 519–525 |
8. |
Suprunenko I.D., “The minimal polynomials of the images of unipotent elements of nonprime order in irreducible representations of an algebraic group of type $F_4$ in an odd characteristic”, Dokl. NAN Belarusi, 66:3 (2022), 269–273 |
9. |
Velichko M.V., Suprunenko I.D., “Malye unipotentnye elementy v predstavleniyakh spetsialnoi lineinoi gruppy s bolshimi starshimi vesami”, Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov POMI, 343, 2007, 84–120 |
10. |
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11. |
Osinovskaya A.A., Suprunenko I.D., “Blochnaya struktura unipotentnykh elementov iz estestvenno vlozhennykh podgrupp tipa $A_3$ v spetsialnykh modulyarnykh predstavleniyakh grupp tipa $A_n$”, Dokl. NAN Belarusi, 51:6 (2007), 25–29 |
12. |
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13. |
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14. |
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22. |
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Osinovskaya A.A., Suprunenko I.D., “Inductive systems of representations with small highest weights for natural embeddings of symplectic groups”, Tr. In-ta matematiki, 22:2 (2014), 109–118 |
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Osinovskaya A.A., Suprunenko I.D., “Stabilizers and orbits of first level vectors in modules for the special linear groups”, J. Group Theory, 16 (2013), 719–743 |
26. |
Kondratev A.S., Osinovskaya A.A., Suprunenko I.D., “O povedenii elementov prostogo poryadka iz tsikla Zingera v predstavleniyakh spetsialnoi lineinoi gruppy”, Tr. In-ta matematiki i mekhaniki UrO RAN, 19:3 (2013), 179–186 |
27. |
Kondratev A.S., Suprunenko I.D., Khramtsov I.V., “O konechnykh 4-primarnykh gruppakh s nesvyaznym grafom Gryunberga—Kegelya i kompozitsionnym faktorom, izomorfnym $L_3(17)$ ili $Sp_4(4)$”, Tr. In-ta matematiki i mekhaniki UrO RAN, 28:1 (2022), 139–155 |