Список литературы
1. |
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Itenberg I., Kharlamov V., Shustin E., “Logarithmic asymptotics of the genus zero Gromov–Witten invariants of the blown up plane”, Geom. and Topol., 9 (2005), 483–491 |
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6. |
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Shustin E., “A tropical calculation of the Welschinger invariants of real toric Del Pezzo surfaces”, J. Alg. Geom., 15:2 (2006), 285–322 |
8. |
Shustin E., “Welschinger invariants of toric Del Pezzo surfaces with nonstandard real structures”, Анализ и особенности Часть 1: Сборник статей. К 70-летию со дня
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9. |
Welschinger J.-Y., “Invariants of real rational symplectic 4-manifolds and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry”, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 336:4 (2003), 341–344 |
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Welschinger J.-Y., “Invariants of real symplectic 4-manifolds and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry”, Invent. math., 162:1 (2005), 195–234 |