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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2014, Volume 427, Pages 41–65 (Mi znsl6042)

Minimal $k$-connected graphs with minimal number of vertices of degree $k$
D. V. Karpov


1. G. A. Dirac, “Minimally $2$-connected graphs”, J. Reine and Angew. Math., 268 (1967), 204–216  mathscinet
2. M. D. Plummer, “On minimal blocks”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 134 (1968), 85–94  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
3. W. T. Tutte, Connectivity in graphs, Univ. Toronto Press, Toronto, 1966  mathscinet  zmath
4. W. Mader, “Ecken Vom Gard $n$ in minimalen $n$-fach zusammenhangenden Graphen”, Arch. Math. (Basel), 23 (1972), 219–224  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
5. W. Mader, “On vertices of degree $n$ in minimally $n$-connected graphs and digraphs”, Combinatorics, Paul Erdös is Eighty, v. 2, Budapest, 1996, 423–449  mathscinet  zmath
6. W. Mader, “Zur Struktur minimal n-fach zusammenhängender Graphen”, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 49 (1979), 49–69  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
7. J. G. Oxley, “On some extremal connectivity results for graphs and matroids”, Discrete Math., 41 (1982), 181–198  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
8. D. V. Karpov, A. V. Pastor, “Struktura razbieniya trekhsvyaznogo grafa”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 391, 2011, 90–148  mathnet  mathscinet
9. D. V. Karpov, “Razdelyayuschie mnozhestva v $k$-svyaznom grafe”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 340, 2006, 33–60  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
10. D. V. Karpov, “Minimalnye dvusvyaznye grafy”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 417, 2013, 106–127  mathnet

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