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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2014, Volume 427, Pages 114–124 (Mi znsl6047)

On graphs which can be drawn on an orientable surface with small number of intersections on an edge
O. E. Samoilova


1. J. Pach, G. Toth., “Graphs drawn with few crossing per edge”, Combinatorica, 17:3 (1997), 427–439  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
2. P. J. Heawood, “Map colour theorem”, Quart. J. Math., 24 (1890), 332–338  zmath
3. D. V. Karpov, “Verkhnyaya otsenka kolichestva reber v dvudolnom pochti planaronom grafe”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 406, 2012, 12–30  mathnet  mathscinet
4. G. V. Nenashev, “Otsenka khromaticheskogo chisla pochti planarnogo grafa”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 406, 2012, 95–106  mathnet  mathscinet

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