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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2019, Volume 483, Pages 19–40 (Mi znsl6843)

Simplest test for three-dimensional dynamical inverse problem (the BC-method)
M. I. Belishev, A. S. Blagoveshchensky, N. A. Karazeeva


1. M. I. Belishev, “Boundary control in reconstruction of manifolds and metrics (the BC method)”, Inverse Problems, 13:5 (1997), R1–R45  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
2. M. I. Belishev, “How to see waves under the Earth surface (the BC-method for geophysicists)”, Ill-Posed and Inverse Problems, eds. S. I. Kabanikhin, V. G. Romanov, VSP, 2002, 55–72  mathscinet
3. M. I. Belishev, “Dynamical Inverse Problem for the Equation $u_{tt}-\Delta u -\nabla \rho ~\cdot~ \nabla u=0$ (the BC-Method)”, CUBO A Math. J., 10:2 (2008), 17–33  mathscinet
4. M. I. Belishev, “Boundary Control Method”, Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, v. 1, 142–146
5. M. I. Belishev, “Granichnoe upravlenie i tomografiya rimanovykh mnogoobrazii (BC-metod)”, Usp. Mat. Nauk, 72:4 (2017), 3–66  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib
6. M. I. Belishev, N. A. Karazeeva, “Prosteishii test dlya dvumernoi dinamicheskoi obratnoi zadachi (BC-metod)”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 471, 2018, 28–59
7. M. I. Belishev, V. Yu. Gotlib, “Dynamical variant of the BC-method: theory and numerical testing”, J. Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 7:3 (1999), 221–240  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
8. M. I. Belishev, I. B. Ivanov, I. V. Kubyshkin, V. S. Semenov, “Numerical testing in determination of sound speed from a part of boundary by the BC-method”, J. Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 24:2 (2016), 159–180  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
9. M. V. De Hoop, P. Kepley, L. Oksanen, “Recovery of a smooth metric via wave field and coordinate transformation reconstruction”, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 78:4 (2018), 1931–1953  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
10. I. B. Ivanov, M. I. Belishev, V. S. Semenov, The reconstruction of sound speed in the Marmousi model by the boundary control method, 24 Sept. 2016, arXiv: 1609.07586v1 [physics.geo-ph]
11. L. Oksanen, “Solving an inverse obstacle problem for the wave equation by using the boundary control method”, Inverse Problems, 29:3 (2013), 035004  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib
12. A. A. Timonov, “On Quantitative Acoustic Imaging Via Boundary Control Method”, Proceedings of the conference “Days of Diffraction” (Steklov's Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, June 3–7, 2019)

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