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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2004, Volume 314, Pages 33–40 (Mi znsl747)

The distribution of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators
E. P. Golubeva


1. J.-P. Serre, “Répartition asymptotique des valeurs propres de l'opérateur de Hecke $T_p$”, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 10:1 (1997), 75–101  crossref  mathscinet
2. J. B. Conrey, W. Duke, D. W. Farmer, “The distribution of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators”, Acta Arithm., 78:4 (1997), 405–409  mathscinet  zmath
3. P. Sarnak, “Statistical properties of eigenvalues of the Hecke operators”, Analytic Number Theory and Diophantine Problems (Stillwater, OK, 1984), Progr. Math., 70, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1987, 321–331  mathscinet
4. P. Michel, “Autour de la conjecture de Sato–Tate pour les sommes de Kloosterman, I”, Invent. Math., 121 (1995), 61–78  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
5. R. Livné, “The average distribution of cubic exponential sums”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 375–376 (1987), 362–379  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
6. E. P. Golubeva, “Raspredelenie znachenii $L$-funktsii Gekke v tochke 1”, Zap. nauchn. semin. POMI, 314, 2004, 33–40  mathnet  zmath
7. I. M. Vinogradov, Metod trigonometricheskikh summ v teorii chisel, M., 1980  mathscinet

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