Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems (July 24–29, 2017, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna)
The next international Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems (CQIS–2017) will be held at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR (Dubna, Russia) on July 24–29, 2017. It will be organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and the International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow. The workshop is supposed to continue the series of CQIS workshops held in 2000–2016 in Protvino, Dubna, Chernogolovka and St. Petersburg.
Main topics of the conference include:
recent results in classical and quantum integrable models;
quantum field theory, conformal field theory, AGT correspondence;
quantum groups, cluster algebras, and other mathematics related to integrable systems;
integrable probability and asymptotic representation theory.