Quantum information theory is a new discipline that studies general laws of transmission, storage, and transformation of information in the systems that obey the quantum mechanics. Quantum information theory uses the mathematical apparatus of matrix and operator analysis and noncommutative probability theory to study the potential capabilities of such systems. An important byproduct is a significant clarification of the logical and probabilistic structure of quantum mechanics, its foundations, and its relation to reality. The lectures discuss in detail the fundamental concepts of the state, observable, quantum channel, its entropy and information characteristics. The unusual capabilities of quantum systems for transmitting and converting information are illustrated by examples of superdense encoding, quantum teleportation, and efficient quantum algorithms. The lectures provide the necessary information from classical information theory and a detailed introduction to the statistical structure of quantum theory, so the knowledge of the main general mathematical disciplines is sufficient for understanding the course. Lecture notes: http://www.mathnet.ru/php/currentissue.phtml?jrnid=lkn&option_lang=eng
Time: Monday 13:35 – 15:00 First lecture: 8 February
RSS: Forthcoming seminars
Seminar organizer