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Dynamical Systems of Classical and Celestial Mechanics
(September 19–23, 2022, Sirius Federal Territory, Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi)

We plan to discuss the current state, trends and recent results in the field of dynamical systems theory and its applications to classical and celestial mechanics, statistical physics and other related fields.

The program of the conference covers the following areas of mathematical activity, inspired by the problems of classical and celestial mechanics: the search for integrable models, the development of perturbation techniques for studying systems that are close to integrable, the investigation of dynamical chaos and some aspects of kinetic theory. We intend to deal with both the consideration of general concepts and the analysis of specific problems.

As a broader outreach effort, we aim at promoting this knowledge among young researchers and graduate students, and at involving them into this lines of research.

The conference will be held in hybrid format (on-site and online).

Program Committee
Kozlov Valery Vasil'evich
Bolotin Sergey Vladimirovich
Neishtadt Anatolii Iserovich
Bolsinov Aleksei Viktorovich
Maciejewski Andrzej J

Organizing Committee
Treschev Dmitry Valerevich
Sidorenko Vladislav Viktorovich
Salnikova Tatiana Vladimirovna

Sirius Mathematics Center
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Lomonosov Moscow State University

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025