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Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies"
February 7–May 16, 2022, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Room 303 (8 Gubkina) + online

We kindly ask all participants, including remote ones and those
watching recorded videos, to register at

The basic definitions related to Grothendieck topologies will be introduced together with the key examples. The main attention will be paid to the algebro-geometric additional possibilities provided by the extension of the concepts of open sets and coverings. Hopefully the Deligne-Mumford stacks will be discussed. Some fluency in the categorical language will be assumed.

Please, address George Shabat,, for Zoom data.

Financial support. The course is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, Agreement no. 075-15-2022-265).

RSS: Forthcoming seminars

Shabat Georgii Borisovich

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025