One-day conference on the day of the 85th anniversary of the birth of O.G. Smolyanov - Honored Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University ( |
On February 8, 2023 at 17:00 Moscow time, an online seminar will be held dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Oleg Georgievich Smolyanov!
The outstanding Russian mathematician Oleg Georgievich Smolyanov (08.02.1938 ─ 16.12.2021), Honored Professor of Moscow State University, left behind a large scientific school: he prepared more than 40 PhD-level mathematicians, 8 of which defended the second doctoral dissertation (habilitation).
On the birthday of O.G. Smolyanov, on February 8, representatives of this school, their students and colleagues, as well as everyone, are invited to an online seminar dedicated to the memory of Oleg Georgievich.
It is noteworthy that on the same day a public holiday is celebrated - the day of Russian science, since it was on February 8, 1724 that Peter I established the Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Whole life O.G. Smolyanov was devoted to science, and many of his results have become classical.
You can connect via the Zoom link of the weekly seminar:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89259003755?pwd=bkhtRlNxL3E3SnZCTU1oSFNHcHJNQT09 (Meeting ID: 892 5900 3755) Access code: 1 (one one)
We invite everyone!
To contact the organizers of the seminar, you can write to the mail nshamarov@yandex.ru.