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Geometric structures on complex manifolds
(October 3–7, 2011, Moscow)

Differential-geometric structures play important role in the study of complex geometry. After Kodaira, Kaehler structures became central in the study of deformation theory and the classification problems. More recently, the non-Kaehler metrics on complex manifolds started to be important in string theory. The manifolds with special holonomy become central in string theory due to advances in supersymmetry. The notion of calibrations, due to Harvey and Lawson, gives a unifying differential-geometric mechanism encompassing the complex geometry and its many generalizations to quaternionic and octonionic domains. We are planning to bring together specialists on complex geometry, potential theory and calibrations, to explore the recent advances in differential geometry of complex manifolds.


Laboratory of algebraic geometry and its applications, National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE), Moscow
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

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