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Conference "Flows on surfaces, symbolic dynamics and dynamics in moduli spaces" dedicated to the 75th birthday of D. V. Anosov
(December 5–9, 2011, Moscow)
Conference "Flows on surfaces, symbolic dynamics and dynamics in moduli spaces" dedicated to the 75th birthday of D. V. Anosov

Laboratoire CNRS J.-V. Poncelet, jointly with Steklov Mathematical Institute, Independent University of Moscow, and Institute for Information Transmission Problems organizes a conference "Flows on surfaces, symbolic dynamics and dynamics in moduli spaces" dedicated to the 75th birthday of D. V. Anosov. The conference will take place at Laboratiore Poncelet (December 5, 6, 8, 9 ) and Steklov Institute (December 7).

Having a core in dynamics, the subject of the conference is located at the frontier between dynamics, geometry, topology, combinatorics, and representation theory. Certain classical problems of one-dimensional dynamics, of dynamics on surfaces, of billiards in polygons, of surface foliations, can be solved using the recent knowledge about the moduli spaces. Reciprocally, dynamical and geometric methods produce results about the moduli spaces which were difficult to obtain through pure algebro-geometric or complex-analytic approaches.

The conference is intended to put into contact experts in different aspects of the area (dynamics in moduli spaces, surface dynamics, surface foliations, horocyclic flow, symbolic dynamics, billiards in polygons), which, hopefully, would enrich everybody. It is expected that the talks would be accessible to graduate students and to non-specialists.

The conference is preceded by a brief school for graduate students (Thursday, December 1 to Saturday, December 3). The mini-courses are intended to help to the graduate students get prepared for the conference.

Laboratoire J.-V. Poncelet
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Independent University of Moscow
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), Moscow

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