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International conference "Topology and Physics" dedicated to the 80th birthday of S P Novikov
(September 5–6, 2018, Steklov Mathematical Institite and SkolTech, Moscow)
International conference "Topology and Physics" dedicated to the 80th birthday of S P Novikov

The Conference in honor of the 80th Birthday of Sergey Novikov, an outstanding scientist having made a fundamental contribution in a number of areas of mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, the head of the world-recognized scientific school, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The scope of the Conference includes the wide spectrum of scientific interest of S. P. Novikov.



Program Committee
Krichever Igor Moiseevich (Chairman)
Buchstaber Victor Matveevich (Vice-chairman)
Veselov Aleksandr Petrovich
Dubrovin Boris Anatol'evich
Taimanov Iskander Asanovich

Organizing Committee
Buchstaber Victor Matveevich (Chairman)
Krichever Igor Moiseevich (Vice-chairman)
Dynnikov Ivan Alekseevich
Millionshchikov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Sheinman Oleg Karlovich

Vershik Anatolii Moiseevich
Veselov Aleksandr Petrovich
Gabai David
Gaifullin Alexander Aleksandrovich
Dobrokhotov Sergey Yur'evich
Dragovich Vladimir Il'ich
Dynnikov Ivan Alekseevich
Kozlov Valery Vasil'evich
Mironov Andrei Evgen'evich
Taimanov Iskander Asanovich
Takhtadzhyan Leon Armenovich

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025