Random geometry and physics (September 8–12, 2014, Moscow)
This conference aims at developing the French-Russian interaction at the mathematical/physics interface. There is a long tradition in both countries in mathematical physics, and many cooperations existed in the past, using in particular the Laboratory Poncelet. However although the cooperation remains very active in pure mathematics it has been recently less active in mathematical physics.
Since mathematical physics is a large interface, we propose in this new project to start by putting some emphasis on a particular direction, namely the interface between combinatorics and random geometry on the mathematical side and quantum field theory and statistical mechanics on the physics side. This domain is in fast developement in France, in particular, thanks to the emergence of new methods such as random tensors to study random triangulations with quantum field theory tools. Since it implies new forms of integrability, this domain could greatly benefit from the corresponding leading expertise in Russia. However the project is not conceived as narrowly focused: it will welcome the participation of scientists interested in neighboring domains such as quantum field theory, string theory, matrix models, integrable models, mathematical physics of random or quasi-periodic media (polymers, spin glasses, foams, quasi-crystals etc.), hence the title of the conference is "Random Geometry and Physics". The goal is to encourage in particular the new generations of french and russian mathematical physicists to know each other.