P. Cartier. Lie groupoids, differentiable stacks, and differential Galois theory 25–27 апреля 2016 г., Независимый московский университет (Б.Власьевский пер., 11), г. Москва
The notion of groupoid has been important in homotopy theory (Poincare groupoid of a space). It has been extended by Ch. Ehresmann in the theory of fiber bundles. Its importance came from the efforts to understand highly singular quotient spaces, like the space of leaves in a foliation (Haefliger, Connes). In the same way as a manifold can be described by different equivalent atlases, a stack (a new kind of spaces) is described by an equivalence class of groupoids. It is possible to do differential geometry and to define topological invariants for such generalized spaces . Finally, as was first suggested by Malgrange and Umemura, in certain Galois theories (like the Picard-Vessiot theory for differential equations), Galois groupoids are better suited than Galois groups.