Heaviside functions of a configuration of hyperplanes A. N. Varchenko, I. M. Gel'fand
1 |
Equivariant cohomologies and Kähler's geometry V. A. Ginzburg
19 |
Kähler geometry of the infinite-dimensional homogeneous space $M=\operatorname{Diff}_+(S^1)/\operatorname{Rot}(S^1)$ A. A. Kirillov, D. V. Yur'ev
35 |
Virasoro-type algebras, Riemann surfaces and strings in Minkowsky space I. M. Krichever, S. P. Novikov
47 |
Brief communications
Classification of the virasoro, the Neveu–Schwarz, and the Ramond-type simple Lie superalegrbas A. A. Balinskii
62 |
First integrals that are polynomial in momenta for a mechanical system on a two-dimensional torus M. L. Byalyi
64 |
Relationship between triangular and functional models of a non-self-adjoint operator V. F. Veselov
66 |
Functional moduli of moments for groups of diffeomorphisms of two-dimensional manifolds M. I. Golenishcheva-Kutuzova
69 |
Basis property of families of Mittag-Leffler-type functions, the dzhrbashyan transformations, and the muckenhoupt condition G. M. Gubreev
71 |
Newton polyhedra and the Bezout formula for matrix-valued functions of finite-dimensional representations B. Ya. Kazarnovskii
73 |
Quantization on a hyperboloid of one sheet A. V. Karabegov
75 |
Symmetrization operators on polynomial rings A. Lascoux, M. Schutzenberger
77 |
Conformal geometry and Einstein's equation I. R. Miklashevskii
79 |
Korteweg–de Vries superequation as an Euler equation V. Yu. Ovsienko, B. A. Khesin
81 |
Multidimensional nonlinear systems related to the Grassman manifolds $BI$, $DI$ G. L. Rcheulishvili, M. V. Saveliev
83 |
Trace for the pair of a contraction and a unitary operator A. V. Rybkin
85 |
Asymptotics of the spectrum of a boundary-value problem with periodic billiard trajectories Yu. G. Safarov
88 |
Nonisomorphy of certain Banach spaces of smooth functions to the space of continuous functions N. G. Sidorenko
91 |
Automorphic-invariant operator colligations and the factorization of their characteristic operator functions A. P. Filimonov, È. R. Tsekanovskii
94 |