Models and mechanisms for ecological-economic systems management V. N. Burkov, D. A. Novikov, A. V. Shchepkin
2 |
Analysis and synthesis of control systems
$H_\infty$-power system emergency management. Part I: theoretical basis of robust $H_\infty$-regulators synthesis A. P. Kurdyukov, V. N. Timin
8 |
Identification algorithm with transition in the parameters domain S. S. Gusev, V. M. Chadeev
18 |
Adaptive guaranteed estimation using the information on the set of “relative objects” K. E. Afanaseva, V. I. Shiryaev
22 |
Systems analysis
Using relations of attributes for building ontology of subject domain V. A. Pronina, L. B. Shipilina
27 |
Control in the socio-economic systems
Principles of design and development of information system for finding optimal path in public transport V. M. Vishnevsky, R. V. Zhelezov
33 |
Expert-ciassification methods for designing professional and educational standards V. V. Nikitin
38 |
Information technologies controls
One approach to allowing for hierarchical structure of optimality criteria of multiservice communication network R. L. Gilyazov, V. Yu. Stolbov
44 |
System management of information risks: choice of mechanisms for protection against information risks V. I. Zavgorodniy
53 |
Use of learning sample to define a priority of criteria in scientific journals rating system O. Fedorets
59 |
Control the moving objects
Improvement of power characteristics of liquid-propellant rockets by means of automatic control. Part Ii: physicotechnical bases of fuel consumption control A. Ya. Andrienko, V. P. Ivanov
66 |
Short communications
System of informing and warning of population: proof of reasonable function capacity R. A. Durnev
72 |
Social and ethic aspects of information security ensuring O. A. Kononov, O. V. Kononova
76 |
22nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation – ECMS 2008 Ya. R. Bykovskaya, R. A. Klimov, Yu. A. Merkur'ev
80 |