Analysis and synthesis of control systems
Singular issues of control systems design for linear discrete plants A. L. Bunich
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Composition of regulators of given structure subject to meeting the engineering terms P. S. Shcherbakov
9 |
Control in the socio-economic systems
On the reasons of regional ecological infowars S. N. Bukharin
18 |
Theory of media reach calculation E. V. Popov, G. A. Shmatov
22 |
Informational influence and information control models in social networks D. A. Gubanov, D. A. Novikov, A. G. Chkhartishvili
28 |
Production management on the tactical level of planning under the fuzzy initial information S. A. Fedoseev, A. V. Vozhakov, M. B. Gitman
36 |
Control of medicobiologic systems
Optimum control of human immune reactions I. P. Bolodurina, Yu. P. Lugovskova
44 |
Administration of engineering systems and technological processes
Use of mobile control methods for optimization of temperature regimes for plazmotron electrodes V. A. Kubyshkin, V. I. Finyagina
53 |
Control the moving objects
Search of moving target by its informative character “trace”. Part 1. The general structure of optimal search trajectory T. G. Abramyantz, Yu. A. Belanov, E. P. Maslov, V. P. Yahno
61 |
Estimation of complexity of movement control along the known route V. A. Tverdokhlebov
69 |
Philosophical questions of control
On the methodological substantiation of theory and practice of business analysis A. I. Alekseeva
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System identification is on the way towards creation of methodological and logical-mathematical grounds for science intensive technologies of structure identification K. S. Ginsberg
81 |
Stanislav Danilovach Zemlyakov
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