The main aspects in the development of set-theoretical topology P. S. Aleksandrov, V. V. Fedorchuk, V. I. Zaitsev
3 |
New work in the probabilistic theory of special functions L. A. Lyusternik
49 |
Relative homological algebra in categories of modules E. G. Sklyarenko
85 |
In the Moscow Mathematical Society
Meetings of the Moscow Mathematical Society
121 |
Joint sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics and of the Moscow Mathematical Society (second meeting, 18–20 January 1978)
123 |
Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society
The skeleton of a Riemannian manifold with boundary A. G. Vainshtein, V. A. Efremovich, È. A. Loginov
155 |
On deformations of one-dimensional singularities with the invariants $c=\delta+1$ A. G. Aleksandrov
157 |
Prime elements in idempotent lattices with multiplication and
hereditarily idempotent rings A. V. Andrunakievich
159 |
On compact homogeneous spaces of dimension 5 and higher V. V. Gorbatsevich
161 |
Minimal surfaces in compact Lie groups Dào Trong Thi
163 |
On locally free sheaves over $CP^3$ connected with Yang–Mills fields V. G. Drinfeld, Yu. I. Manin
165 |
Valuation rings in a finite-dimensional simple central algebra over
a field N. I. Dubrovin
167 |
Integral formulae for a family of holomorphic functions that are
uniformly bounded in the interior of a domain $D \subset\mathbb C^n$ S. V. Znamenskii
168 |
On the problem of extending measures M. P. Ershov
169 |
On Fano varieties of the first kind V. A. Iskovskikh
171 |
On eigenvalues and root vectors of certain differential-difference
operators A. G. Kamenskii
173 |
Quasi-invariance and differentiability of measures M. P. Kats
175 |
Purely correct modules S. K. Rososhek
176 |
Characteristic polynomials of filtered difference modules and of extensions of difference fields A. B. Levin
177 |
On perturbed Korteweg–de Vries equations N. V. Nikolenko
179 |
Bounds for the solutions of a biharmonic equation in the neighbourhood of non-regular boundary points and at infinity O. A. Oleinik, G. A. Iosif'yan, I. N. Tavkhelidze
181 |
Interpolation of non-commuting operators I. Z. Pesenson
183 |
A one-dimensional integrable $n$-body problem S. I. Pidkuiko
185 |
Lie theorems in differential locally convex groupuscules G. G. Kholina
187 |
The group of local analytic homeomorphisms of the line, and $P$-groups B. S. Khots
189 |
Monomial characters and subgroups I. A. Chubarov
191 |
A connection between Lie algebras and groups A. L. Shmel'kin
193 |
Cohomology rings of operations in the theory of unitary cobordisms and homotopy invariants of continuous maps A. V. Shokurov
195 |
Mathematical Life
Mark Grigor'evich Krein (on his seventieth birthday) V. M. Adamyan, Yu. M. Berezanskii, N. N. Bogolyubov, I. S. Iokhvidov, A. N. Kolmogorov, M. A. Lavrent'ev, Yu. A. Mitropol'skii
197 |
The foremost teacher of mathematics in Soviet Azerbaijan (on the
90th anniversary of the birth of M. R. Efendiev) F. Z. Veliev, G. M. Nabiev
205 |
Mathematical Events in the USSR
Mathematical School “The Method of Small Parameter and Its Application” A. B. Vasil'eva, V. A. Vinokurov, S. A. Lomov, Yu. A. Mitropol'skii
207 |
VII All-Union topological conference M. A. Shtan'ko
213 |
VII Conference of mathematicians of higher education institutes of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Gruzia (dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution) D. O. Baladze, Sh. S. Kemkhadze
216 |
N. I. Lobachevskii. Scientific and pedagogic legacy. Guidance of the Kazan' University. Fragments. Letters (a review) A. P. Yushkevich
217 |
Reviews and Bibliography
New books on mathematics L. P. Kalinina
221 |