Regularity of solutions of quasi-linear elliptic systems A. I. Koshelev
3 |
Approximation properties of Fourier series in orthogonal polynomials V. M. Badkov
51 |
Some problems on expansion in generalized eigenfunctions of the
Schrödinger operator with strongly singular potentials V. F. Kovalenko, Yu. A. Semenov
107 |
Unitary operator colligations and their characteristic functions M. S. Brodskii
141 |
On the research of G. E. Shilov in the theory of commutative Banach
algebras and their subsequent development E. A. Gorin
169 |
The work of G. E. Shilov in the theory of generalized functions and
differential equations V. P. Palamodov
189 |
Mikhail Grigor'evich Kaplanov (obituary) I. I. Vorovich, N. V. Efimov, Yu. F. Korobeinik, B. Ya. Levin, K. K. Mokrishchev
203 |
In the Moscow Mathematical Society
Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society
A space with a unique extremally disconnected point V. M. Ul'yanov
205 |
Algebras that are deformable into free algebras A. A. Boyarkin
207 |
Topological vector groups V. M. Dergachev
209 |
Local cross products of a ring and a group A. V. Zhuchin
211 |
Verbal ideals of a Cartesian product Yu. G. Kleiman
213 |
Algebraic curves and non-linear difference equations I. M. Krichever
215 |
Some approximation properties of the variety $\mathfrak{AN}_c$ Yu. V. Kuz'min
217 |
A refinement of the asymptotic formulae for the spectrum of the Laplace operator in domains of the form $G=G_1\times G_2$ V. A. Mikhailets
219 |
Some properties of analytic operator-functions of two arguments M. B. Orazov
221 |
Local properties of pseudodifferential operators with double
involutive characteristics P. R. Popivanov
223 |
The existence of invariant tori for the three-dimensional motion of a billiard ball that are concentrated in a neighbourhood of a “closed geodesic on the boundary of the domain” N. V. Svanidze
225 |
On convex surfaces with an indefinite metric D. D. Sokolov
227 |
Mathematical Events in the USSR
Aleksei Ivanovich Markushevich (on his seventieth birthday) P. S. Aleksandrov, M. A. Lavrent'ev, D. E. Men'shov, B. V. Shabat
229 |
II All-Union School “Theoretical Foundations and Construction of Numerical Algorithms for Solving Problems of Mathematical Physics” M. M. Vasiliev, G. P. Voskresenskii, A. V. Zabrodin
236 |
City Seminar on boundary value problems and special integral equations held at the Lenin Belorussia State University A. A. Kilbas
239 |
Reviews and Bibliography
G. W. Leibniz, “A dialogue on introduction to arithmetic and algebra” (a review) A. P. Yushkevich
241 |
New books on mathematics L. P. Kalinina
244 |