Differential calculus V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich
3 |
Algebras of unbounded operators and vacuum superselection rules in quantum field theory. I. Some properties of Op*-algebras and vector states on them A. V. Voronin, V. N. Sushko, S. S. Horuzhy
28 |
Analytic continuation of the sturm expansion of Coulomb Green's functions to the region of the continuous spectrum N. L. Manakov, S. I. Marmo, A. G. Fainshtein
49 |
“Fall toward the centre” in quasipotential theory V. Sh. Gogokhiya
58 |
Hamiltonian structure of the nonlinear sigma model in light front coordinates S. B. Pereslegin, V. A. Franke
70 |
Classical Yang–Mills field theory with nonstandard Lagrangians A. I. Alekseev, B. A. Arbuzov
80 |
Production of colored scalars with large transverse momenta I. S. Avaliani, V. A. Matveev, L. A. Slepchenko
91 |
Distribution functions of systems of charged particles in a spatially inhomogeneous medium D. Ya. Petrina
104 |
Moments of the distributio function and kinetic equation for stochastic motion of a nonlinear oscillator V. V. Sokolov
117 |
Methods of the theory of current states in superconducting SNS sandwiches at near critical temperatures A. V. Svidzinskii, L. V. Golubev
129 |
Theory of spin glasses based on the principle of stationarity of the free energy infinite-range model M. I. Vladimir, L. A. Dogotar', V. A. Moskalenko
139 |
Reflection positivity and models with noncompact spin S. B. Shlosman
154 |