Structure of quantum L operators for the R matrix of the XXZ model V. O. Tarasov
163 |
Algebras of observables of nearly canonical physical theories. II G. K. Tolokonnikov
174 |
Factorization method and Darboux transformation for multidimensional Hamiltonians A. A. Andrianov, N. V. Borisov, M. V. Ioffe
183 |
Oscillating weakly localized solutions of the Korteweg–de Vries equation R. G. Novikov, G. M. Henkin
199 |
N-soliton solution of chiral fields on Grassmann manifolds ($\sigma$ model) A. Yu. Orlov
214 |
Phase separation in the $\varphi^4$ hierarchical model P. M. Bleher
226 |
Spontaneous compactification into symmetric spaces with nonsimple holonomy group D. V. Volkov, D. P. Sorokin, V. I. Tkach
241 |
Decomposition of a $\text{N}=2$ extended scalar superfield into irreducible supersymmetry representations S. V. Ketov, I. V. Tyutin
254 |
One-loop corrections in the O(5) Skyrme model Yu. N. Kafiev
267 |
Alpha representation and spectral properties of multiparton functions A. V. Radyushkin
284 |
Synchrotron radiation of an electron in a coherent state A. A. Bobrov, O. F. Dorofeev, G. A. Chizhov
293 |
Disordered substitutional magnets in a magnetic field V. P. Iordatii, L. Z. Kon, V. A. Moskalenko
301 |
Collisionless transport equation for photons in a moving medium V. V. Gonyaev, M. I. Kalinin
312 |