Plasma Investigations
Mathematical simulation of transport processes in plasmatron installations in the presence of inelastic collisions B. V. Alekseev, G. V. Nesterov
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Effect of small impurities in molecular gases on deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium in low-current electric arcs. The dissociation of nitrogen L. S. Polak, D. I. Slovetskii
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Evaporative expansion after passage of an intense shock wave M. M. Rusakov
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Vibrational relaxation in molecular lasers at a high pumping level I. V. Novobrantsev, A. N. Starostin
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Plasma flow in a large-diameter arc channel E. P. Pakhomov, I. M. Yartsev
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Nanosecond discharge in a weakly ionized plasma E. I. Asinovskii, L. M. Vasilyak, A. V. Kirillin, V. V. Markovets
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Electron-energy-distribution functions and rates of processes in glow discharges in $\mathrm{H}_2 + \mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}$ and $\mathrm{H}_2 + \mathrm{Cl}_2$ V. V. Zaitsev, A. I. Maksimov, V. I. Svettsov
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Finite-amplitude ionization waves in a partly ionized plasma O. A. Sinkevich
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Thermodynamic properties of materials based on a generalized statistical model of the atom G. F. Gorbacheva, M. A. El'yashevich, G. S. Romanov, N. S. Skoblya, L. K. Stanchits
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Investigation of equilibrium ionic forms in the vapors of salts. Dissociative electrical conductivity of saturated vapors of halogens of the alkali metals and its temperature coefficient N. L. Yarym-Agaev, V. G. Matvienko
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Activity of the components in sodium–rubidium and sodium–cesium alloys E. P. Lokshin
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Concentration dependence of the enthalpies of formation of alloys of titanium and aluminum Yu. O. Esin, N. P. Bobrov, M. S. Petrushevskii, P. V. Geld
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Experimental investigation of the thermal conductivity of water at temperatures of $25$–$350^{\circ}$ C and pressures of $0.1$–$245.3$ mN/m$^2$ Kh. I. Amirkhanov, A. P. Adamov, U. B. Magomedov
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Thermal conductivity of graphite in the basal plane U. A. Logachev, A. S. Skal
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Electrical resistance of niobium-titanium alloy at high temperatures A. V. Logunov, N. V. Petrushin
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Effect of differences in bound water content on emissive characteristics of quartz glasses A. V. Vanyushin, V. A. Petrov, V. Yu. Reznik, S. V. Stepanov
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Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Nonsteady interaction of a plasma flow behind a strong shock wave with a magnetic field V. E. Ostashev, A. M. Maksimov, E. F. Lebedev, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, A. N. Davydov
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Temperature-distribution singularities on the separation surface during heat transfer between a plate and the liquid flowing around it A. Sh. Dorfman
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Calculation of critical flow of a steam–water mixture Yu. V. Mironov
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Limiting vapor contents associated with the boiling of a vapor–liquid mixture in annular channels A. A. Ivashkevich
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Heat-transfer studies for a liquid boiling in a slot S. A. Kovalev, V. D. Geshele
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Solution of a two-dimensional stefan problem in a quasistationary approximation Yu. A. Samoilovich
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Structure of temperature perturbations in turbulent flow of mercury in a round tube V. G. Sviridov, L. G. Genin, T. E. Krasnoshchekova, S. P. Manchha
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Investigation of the insulating wall of the channel of a continuous magnetohydrodynamic generator A. E. Sheindlin, D. K. Burenkov, V. I. Zalkind, V. V. Kirillov, B. I. Rastegaev, G. L. Uspenskaya, B. Ya. Shumyatskii
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Optical radiation of the plasma of $H$-shaped electromagnetic shock tubes V. V. Sysun, Yu. G. Basov, V. I. Roldugin
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Investigation of the structural and hydrodynamic characteristics of the wicks of heat pipes M. G. Semena, A. G. Kostornov, A. N. Gershuni, A. L. Moroz, M. S. Shevchuk
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Experimental investigation of the effect of geometry on the losses in the mixing chamber of an injector D. A. Zhukov, V. I. Kuznetsov, A. A. Levin
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Computer study of the energy characteristics of thermionic electrical generating cells and assemblies Yu. A. Broval'skiĭ, V. V. Lebedeva, I. I. Raikov, N. M. Rozhkova, V. V. Sinyavskii
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Short Communications
Measurement of electrical conductivity of air plasma at pressures above $100$ atm S. I. Andreev, T. V. Gavrilova
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Role of pressure in stabilized argon arc V. A. Belov, G. V. Krivenkov, Yu. V. Tsypulev
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Ionization by electron impact in nonequilibrium plasma in electric field N. A. Kruzhilin, I. T. Yakubov
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New plasma-induced emission centers on cathode of vacuum diode G. P. Bazhenov, R. B. Baksht, G. A. Mesyats, D. I. Proskurovskii, V. F. Puchkarev
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Velocity of the directed ejection of particles with the pulsed plasma pulverization of thin bars N. N. Rykalin, A. V. Nikolaev, V. P. Tokmakov
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Dependence of the Hall effect in a nonequilibrium plasma on the electron density V. S. Golubev, E. V. Dan'shchikov, F. V. Lebedev
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Instability of an independent glow discharge L. P. Menakhin, K. N. Ulyanov, L. P. Shanturin
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Space–time temperature distribution in high-voltage ac arcs N. F. Trapitsin, N. N. Poremskaya
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Emission from a pulsed discharge in helium L. M. Vasilyak, E. I. Asinovskii, A. V. Kirillin, V. V. Markovets
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Equation of state for liquid n-alkanes A. M. Mamedov
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Possible method for the combined analysis of experimental data on the thermal conductivity and viscosity of the vapors of alkali metals V. V. Makhrov
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Thermal conductivity of praseodymium trifluoride at high temperatures L. A. Remizova
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Electrical resistivity of lanthanum, neodymium, and erbium at high temperatures I. P. Mardykin
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Measurement of the monochromatic emissivity of pyrolytic carbon B. L. Altshuler
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Experimental investigation of evaporational porous cooling V. M. Polyaev, E. V. Kharibin, I. N. Bocharova
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Effect of the method of feeding air into a channel on heat transfer to a water–air flow M. A. Kosorotov
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Investigation of diaphragms with ceramic coatings in the construction of a high-pressure pulsed arc I. Ya. Gordienko, V. P. Kantsedal, A. D. Kuznetsov, R. V. Mitin
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Cesium-seeded $\mathrm{CO}_2$ electric-discharge laser B. K. Zuev, R. S. Ivanov, V. T. Karpukhin, N. M. Korolev, M. M. Malikov, A. V. Nedospasov, G. I. Stotskii, E. M. Shelkov
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Investigation of thermal stresses in refractory elements of the walls of the channel of a magnetohydrodynamic generator A. M. Dubasov, Yu. L. Krasulin, V. M. Panferov
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Experimental investigation of the accelerating nozzles of magnetohydrodynamic generators N. M. Efremov, B. A. Tikhonov
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Electrode material for MHD generators based on zirconium dioxide, stabilized with neodymium oxide and dysprosium F. Ya. Kharitonov, E. G. Esikov, A. I. Lebedev, M. E. Surkov, E. N. Khudov
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Determination of the parameters of a stable plasma from the intensity of scattered light O. V. Karpov, G. D. Petrov, È. F. Yurchuk
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Numerical solution of the problem of pulse vaporization in a vacuum A. T. Lukyanov, P. G. Itskova
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