Plasma Investigations
Parameters of cathode region of vacuum arc I. I. Beilis, G. A. Lyubimov
1137 |
Application of the Monte Carlo method of nonideal, weakly degenerate Fermi systems V. S. Filinov
1146 |
Critical point in an ionic system from the results of a mathematical experiment. Comparison with salt melts P. N. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, V. P. Chasovskikh
1153 |
Shadow photographs of a pulsed discharge in tubular lamps N. A. Kozlov, V. V. Fomin
1160 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Quasi-chemical approach to calculation of transport coefficients of medium density gases E. S. Yakub, V. R. Kamenetskiy, Zh. A. Kiro
1165 |
Experimental calculations of the radiation coefficient of nickel in the near-infrared spectrum P. S. Glazyrin, T. A. Ivanova, V. Pak
1173 |
Radiation characteristics of fused quartz. Integrated emissivity V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
1178 |
Thermal conductivity of composite materials made from metal fibers and powders G. N. Dul'nev, Yu. P. Zarichnyak, D. M. Karpinos, V. S. Klimenko, B. L. Muratova
1189 |
Thermal conductivity of carbon felt and lamp black A. I. Lutkov, G. N. Zav'yalova, V. N. Mikhailov, V. G. Morozov, B. K. Dymov, A. T. Kaverov
1193 |
Determination of the thermophysical properties of zirconium carbide at high temperatures A. N. Kolesnichenko, A. V. Pustogarov
1197 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Investigation of internal convective heat-transfer problems P. V. Tsoi, Sh. Nuriddinov, T. Negmatov, B. N. Khaimov
1202 |
Mechanism and limits on the formation of conditions for impaired heat transfer at a supercritical coolant pressure A. F. Polyakov
1210 |
Interaction of a turbulent gas flow with an electric arc Yu. V. Kurochkin, È. I. Molodykh, A. V. Pustogarov
1220 |
Loss of efficiency of heat pipes due to vapor and vapor-gas bubbles V. I. Subbotin, M. N. Ivanovskii, V. P. Sorokin, V. V. Privezentsev, A. I. Strozhkov
1225 |
Steady heat-conduction problems involving a variable heat-transfer coefficient Yu. I. Malov, L. K. Martinson, K. B. Pavlov
1231 |
Thermal efficiency of a tubular radiating system with a reradiating adiabatic screen P. I. Bystrov, V. F. Goncharov
1236 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Possibility of measuring electron density and electron collision frequency in plasma composed of combustion products using $337$-$\mu$m laser interferometer I. A. Vasil'eva, B. Ya. Shumyatskii, D. N. Yundev
1242 |
Measurement of parameters of stream of dense plasma using conical probes L. A. Kildyushova, V. A. Gorelov
1248 |
Instrument for the complex study of thermophysical properties in metals – the DK-as-900 dynamic calorimeter S. E. Buravoy, G. N. Kosharovskiy, E. S. Platunov
1255 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Introduction of an additive in the form of an aqueous solution of potassium carbonate at high temperatures and concentrations M. A. Styrikovich, A. V. Zagorodnikh, V. E. Kartun, I. L. Mostinskii, R. S. Nekhoroshev, V. R. Pesochin, E. G. Smirnova, V. I. Stepanov
1261 |
Experimental study of the shock-free coupling of an accelerating supersonic nozzle with a rectangular channel N. M. Efremov, B. A. Tikhonov
1267 |
Electromagnetic heat pipes V. S. Makarov, V. P. Protsenko, D. I. Repin
1271 |
Short Communications
Reaction of weakly ionized plasma to high-voltage nanosecond pulse E. I. Asinovskii, L. M. Vasilyak, A. V. Kirillin, V. V. Markovets
1281 |
Effect of wall sputtering on the volt-ampere characteristic of a xenon discharge A. I. Zakharov, A. T. Rakhimov
1283 |
Stability boundaries for a shock wave in a transverse magnetic field V. M. Zubtsov, O. A. Sinkevich
1286 |
Limits of plasma diagnostics using Thomson scattering L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ
1288 |
Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity of $\rm D_2\rm O$ vapor by the periodic heating method N. B. Vargaftik, Yu. K. Vinogradov, N. A. Vanicheva
1291 |
Molecular-dynamical properties of dense systems: Influence of nonadditive inter molecular forces on the thermodynamic properties of a simple liquid A. L. Tsykalo, M. M. Kontsov, Zh. F. Doroshenko, N. I. Kartseva, A. D. Bagmet
1292 |
Anomolous dependence of liquid surface tension on temperature É. É. Shpil'rain, K. A. Yakimovich, A. F. Tsitsarkin
1296 |
Thermophysical properties of the ternary liquid-metal system tin–lead–cadmium V. I. Stremousov, A. S. Rubtsov
1298 |
Mass-spectrometric study of electron-beam sputtering of graphite E. F. Chaikovskiy, Z. B. Baturicheva, V. A. Vlasenko, A. I. Sivko
1300 |
Experimental study of heat exchange in a balanced turbulent boundary layer with high positive pressure gradient E. V. Shishov, V. M. Belov, V. N. Afanas'ev
1302 |
Evaporation of droplets slowed down in a hot gas D. I. Lamden, I. L. Mostinskii
1305 |
Semiconductor heat-flux pickup operating in an air medium at temperatures of $500$ to $1300^{\circ}$ K G. N. Melik-Davtian, A. I. Shelykh
1308 |
Inductive plasma electrical conductivity probe A. I. Danilevich
1309 |
Parametric effects in measuring temperature converters A. M. Azizov, A. N. Gordov, V. P. Goncharuk
1311 |
The effect of the excess coefficient of the oxidizing agent on the electrical characteristics of an MHD generator A. A. Bobkov, V. N. Kovalev, Yu. A. Larionov
1314 |
L. N. Latyev, V. A. Petrov, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, and E. N. Shestakov. Radiation properties of solids B. A. Grigor'ev
1317 |
Содержание тома 13
1319 |
Алфавитный указатель
1328 |
1335 |