Plasma Investigations
Electric-conductivity of a nonideal cesium plasma A. A. Borzhievskii, V. A. Sechenov, V. I. Khorunzhenko
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Ignition and development of a pulsed discharge in transformer oil in a sharply nonuniform field A. N. Lobanov, Yu. V. Torshin, K. N. Ulyanov
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Electrodeless capacitive discharge sustained by repetitive high-voltage pulses Yu. P. Raizer, M. N. Shneider
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Structure of the electroacoustic precursor arising in front of a spherical sound front in an MHD plasma B. V. Dobrydnev, I. M. Rutkevich
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Production of surface laser plasmas in high-pressure gases S. V. Selishchev, A. L. Smirnov, G. R. Toker
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Decay of a photoresonance plasma A. V. Eletskii, Yu. N. Zaitsev
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Investigation of rotational-excitation in $\mathrm{Ar}+\mathrm{Li}_2$, $\mathrm{Ar}+\mathrm{HCl}$, $\mathrm{Ar}+\mathrm{LiH}$, $\mathrm{He}+\mathrm{СО}$ systems Yu. E. Gorbachev, I. M. Ignat'eva
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Vapor-pressure of $\mathrm{CaF}_2$ and $\mathrm{SrF}_2$ A. I. Zaitsev, N. V. Korolev, B. M. Mogutnov
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Role of sorption desorption in homogeneous nucleation processes A. A. Bochkarev, V. I. Polyakova
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Density and surface-tension of liquid lanthanum, cerium, and praseodymium L. L. Bezukladnikova, V. I. Kononenko, V. V. Torokin
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Simplified method of calculating the electrical-conductivity, electronic thermal-conductivity, and thermodiffusion of argon I. P. Nazarenko, I. G. Panevin
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Density, thermal-expansion, and compressibility of sodium and potassium in the solid-phase T. N. Mel'nikova, A. G. Mozgovoi
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Determination of the dielectric characteristics of materials in the superhigh-frequency range at temperatures up to $2300$ K Yu. A. Polonskii, V. B. Mishin, R. S. Bernstein, Yu. N. Smyslov
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Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Heat-transfer and turbulent-flow of cooled helium with supercritical state parameters in a tube N. E. Petrov, V. N. Popov
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Coalescence in nonisothermal turbulent-flow D. I. Zhukhovitskiĭ
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Polydisperse nonequilibrium model of bubble vapor liquid flow V. A. Gerliga, V. I. Skalozubov
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Dynamics of vapor bubbles in solutions N. Kh. Afgan, R. I. Nigmatulin, N. S. Khabeev, F. B. Nagiev
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Intensification of the shock-wave disturbance of a barrier in a gas during its passage through a bubble screen with a variable gas content R. K. Gazizov, A. A. Gubaidullin
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Heat and mass-transfer near a phase-boundary at low Knudsen numbers A. G. Gnedovets, A. A. Uglov
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Study of the radiation of mixtures of air with xenon in a shock layer around models flying at hypersonic velocity I. G. Eremeytsev, O. V. Zverev, N. N. Pilyugin
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Radiative convective heat-transfer at a thin plate in a conjugate formulation of the problem N. A. Rubtsov, N. N. Ponomarev, A. M. Timofeev
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Inhomogeneous thermal structures in the nonlinear heating of a plane layer V. D. Hait
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Thermal-radiation of a $3$-dimensional lattice of spherical-particles V. V. Averin, A. S. Dmitriev, A. V. Klimenko
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Heat-loss determination in thermal-conductivity measurement M. V. Gobechiya, Yu. I. Dudarev, M. Z. Maksimov, A. A. Chilikidi
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Wall and combustion-product temperature-measurement in high-temperature coal combustion V. I. Vladimirov, Yu. A. Gorshkov, I. Yu. Smetkin
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Effect of nozzle shape on the lasing spectrum of a gas-dynamic laser on the mixture $\mathrm{H}_2$–$\mathrm{HCl}$ V. A. Vostryakov, I. P. Kirmusov, A. M. Starik
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Separation of the contributions of pulsations of the conductivity of the core and boundary-layer to the pulsation of the internal resistance of the electrode pair of an MHD generator Ya. I. Vodonos, Yu. V. Makarov
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Short Communications
Импульсный несамостоятельный разряд при инжекции сильноточных РЭП в газ P. I. Sopin, G. A. Sorokin
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Исследование напряжений пробоя воздуха в неоднородном тепловом поле I. V. Bozhko, Yu. V. Serdyuk, N. I. Fal'kovskiy
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Модифицированное уравнение Мигдала и вывод на его основе линейной и кубической моделей масштабной теории V. F. Lysenkov, A. V. Shustrov
605 |
Экспериментальное определение давления насыщенного пара лития G. Ya. Zobnin, A. G. Kalandarishvili, S. D. Krivonosov
607 |
Диссоциативное испарение керамики $\mathrm{Y}_{0{,}9}\mathrm{Ca}_{0{,}1}\mathrm{CrO}_3$ на воздухе при нагреве лазерным излучением и в пламени газовой горелки A. T. Don, E. P. Pakhomov, G. M. Surkov, V. V. Egai, N. I. Ibragimov
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Потери механической энергии пузырькового потока в конфузорном канале A. L. Dushkin, N. S. Ershov
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Модель взрывного вскипания диэлектрической жидкости при радиационном разогреве A. F. Vitshas, V. V. Korneev, Yu. I. Sentsov
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Исследование нестационарного истечения воды из каналов при гетерогенном объемном и поверхностном вскипании B. L. Kantsyrev, B. I. Nigmatulin, A. E. Kroshilin
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Задачи электродугового пограничного слоя (№ 9087-В-88 Деп. от 28.XII.1988) A. A. Bobnev
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Коррекция результатов при измерении скорости потока лазерным анемометром в цилиндрических моделях S. Ya. Raisikh, È. D. Sergievskii
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Аппроксимационное уравнение состояния при высоких плотностях энергии (№ 9089-В-88 Деп. от 28.XII.1988) S. E. Brusnikin
621 |
О реальности плазменного лазера (№ 9088-В-38 Деп. от 28.XII.1988) B. I. Grinchenko
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Исследование нестационарного лучисто-кондуктивного теплообмена в излучающей
и теплопроводной среде (№ 9090-В-88 Деп. от 28.XII.1988) V. V. Rubtsov, J. A. Surinov
621 |