Plasma Investigations
Characteristics of stabilized arc discharge in the presence of a readily ionizing additive V. L. Nizovskiy
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Volt-ampere characteristic of distributed charge in argon with added potassium stability and stabilization M. P. Zektser, V. V. Kalinin, G. A. Lyubimov
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Wave of ionization in streamer breakdown of gas. Kinetic effects V. A. Schweigert
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Interaction of thermionic electrons with an argon cathode plasma I. P. Nazarenko, I. G. Panevin, M. K. Tibrina
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Contribution to the question of probe diagnostics of plasma at medium pressures M. A. Mal'kov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Application of the generalized Enskog method to transport process calculations in an ionized gas B. V. Alekseev, I. T. Grushin, L. P. Grushina
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Spectrum of collective excitations in liquid metals A. M. Belyaev, V. B. Bobrov, S. A. Triger
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Experimental investigation of thermal transformations of polytetrafluoroethylene V. A. Tovstonog
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Autooscillatory regime of crystallization of a binary alloy A. P. Gus'kov
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Thermodynamic properties of borides of transition metals A. V. Blinder, A. S. Bolgar
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Design of processes involving directional solidification with an equilibrium two-phase zone Yu. A. Buevich, L. Yu. Iskakova, V. V. Mansurov
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Effect of the structure of an impulsive-periodic energy flow on the dynamics of phase boundaries in fusion and evaporation A. A. Uglov, I. Yu. Smurov, A. M. Lashin
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Motion of heterogeneously burning particles, heated by internal heat sources, in fields of temperature and concentration gradients E. R. Shchukin, Yu. I. Yalamov, V. M. Gorbunov, B. G. Krasovitov
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eat transfer in multilayered direct-flow cooling systems with unilateral heating O. I. Shanin, Yu. I. Shanin, V. P. Fedoseev
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Indefiniteness of the constants of gaseous reactions involving air and its effect on heat transfer during gliding descent A. G. Tirsky, V. G. Scherback
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Volume energy release in directional irradiation of an absorbing and scattering layer with mirror-diffusion boundaries G. Ya. Belov
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Effective absorption coefficient and diffusion coefficient of radiation in strongly scattering materials S. S. Moiseev, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
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Relations in direct pressure discontinuities for flows of nondissociating real gases E. A. Orudzhaliev
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Tomographic reconstruction of the temperature field in a gas medium from the data of two-aspect spectroscopic measurements M. N. Rolin, N. L. Yadrevskaya
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Thermal diffusivity measurement with planar temperature waves produced by an ELV-$6$ electron accelerator S. E. Petrov, V. E. Zinov'ev, I. G. Korshunov
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Thermal and electrical parameters of the electrode-plasma system in an MHDG channel I. I. Beilis
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Simulating electromechanical and thermal transient response in a magnetic plasma accelerator T. A. Zhigir, A. V. Kudryavtsev, I. N. Kucheryavaya, A. V. Plekhanov, A. D. Podol'tsev, V. T. Chemerys
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Cooled laser mirror thermophysics V. I. Subbotin, V. V. Kharitonov
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Short Communications
Определение температуры ионизированного газа по зондированию плотности электронов Yu. G. Tsel'sov
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Разряд с диффузно испаряющимся катодом в вакууме V. A. Saenko, A. A. Derkach
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Сходимость марковских цепей при моделировании свойств плотной плазмы методом Монте-Карло F. B. Baimbetov, T. S. Ramazanov
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Исследование динамики формирования многоканальной структуры наносекундных диффузных разрядов S. N. Buranov, V. V. Gorokhov, V. I. Karelin, P. B. Repin
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Расчет составляющих изохорной теплоемкости воды и водяного пара по диэлектрическим и термическим свойствам M. S. Tsetseibaev
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Теплоемкость и термодинамические функции ортоарсената кальция B. K. Kasenov, Z. M. Sharipova, I. V. Ashlyaeva
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Температуропроводность железа в окрестности высокотемпературного полиморфного превращения A. N. Safonov, A. D. Ievlev
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Расчет двухфазного течения при сильном МГД-взаимодействии в одномерном монодисперсном приближении V. A. Ivanov
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Расчет осредненного коэффициента теплоотдачи в процессах теплообмена с периодической интенсивностью Yu. B. Zudin
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Возможное влияние акустических шумов кипения на пульсации расхода теплоносителя в каналах кипящих аппаратов (№ 6311-В-90 Деп. от 19.12.1990) F. A. Neumoin
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Турбулентное число Прандтля (№ 6310-В-90 Деп. от 19.12.1990) V. A. Kover'yanov, E. V. Kover'yanova
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