Plasma Investigations
Glow-discharge in a transverse flow of nitrogen and its mixtures with carbon dioxide and helium V. V. Azharonok, E. S. Antipov, D. K. Skutov, I. I. Filatova, N. I. Chubrik, V. D. Shimanovich
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Quasi-classical approximation in quantum-defect calculations of continuous plasma absorption L. G. D'yachkov, G. A. Kobzev, P. M. Pankratov
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Condensation in nonequilibrium metal laser plasma B. M. Smirnov
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Characteristics of a gas-filled diode with a plasma ion emitter V. S. Boldasov, A. I. Kuzmichev, A. Yu. Shabarov
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Electron sink to probes in moderate pressure plasmas and in plasmas in magnetic fields M. A. Mal'kov
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Eliminating the influence of the ion current on probe measurements of the electron energy distribution function in plasmas N. B. Kolokolov, A. A. Kudryavtsev, N. A. Khromov
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Influence of external circuit parameters on the stability of an electrical discharge A. A. Barmin, I. B. Zotikov
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Dynamics of a plasma piston in the channel of a rail mass accelerator A. V. Zagorskii, S. S. Katsnel'son
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Electrooptical studies of electrical discharges along a laser spark in air E. I. Asinovskii, L. M. Vasilyak, S. Yu. Unkovskiĭ
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Method of determining the effective absorption coefficient and diffusion coefficient of radiation in strongly scattering materials. Experiment S. S. Moiseev, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
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Determining the radiative thermal conductivity of uranium hexafluoride by reactor heating S. V. Dobkin, É. E. Son
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Thermodynamics of gaseous zirconium and hafnium fluorides N. V. Barkovskii, V. I. Tsirel'nikov, A. M. Emel'yanov, Yu. S. Khodeev
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Heats of sublimation for cadmium diiodide and dibromide and the diffusion cross section in the $\mathrm{CdI}_2$–$\mathrm{Ar}$ system E. M. Starovoitov
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Kinetics of graphite–diamond phase transition A. Z. Zhuk, A. V. Ivanov, G. I. Kanel'
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Thermal conductivity of liquid and solid compounds $\mathrm{TlAsX}_2$ in the crystalline and glassy modifications Sh. M. Ismailov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Oblique shocks in the dynamics of an imperfect nondissociating gas E. A. Orudzhaliev
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Features of the heating of a "coating–substrate" system during laser alloying of the surfaces of metals A. A. Uglov, M. B. Ignat'ev, I. Yu. Smurov, S. G. Konstantinov, V. I. Titov
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Modeling heat transfer during the flow of a hot gas past recesses in a shock tube I. G. Zaltsman, A. A. Sokolskii, V. K. Shikov, E. B. Eigenson
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Determination of the effective probabilities of the heterogeneous recombination of atoms
when heat flow is influenced by gas-phase reactions S. A. Vasil'evskii, A. F. Kolesnikov, M. I. Yakushin
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Hysteresis of the wetting contact angle of drops (bubbles) V. G. Popov
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Mathematical model of a thermal protection system with evaporation of the coolant from a capillary-porous material in a cavity A. P. Kuryachii
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Inadequacy of hydrodynamic models of the boiling crisis on surfaces with porous coatings S. P. Malyshenko, A. B. Andrianov, M. N. Makeev
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Heat transfer in the supercritical region in a steam-generating channel with a mist flow B. I. Nigmatulin, V. N. Kukharenko
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Pseudo-cavitation during the boiling of a subcooled gasified liquid B. M. Dorofeev
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Numerical study of heat and mass transfer processes involving a burning coal particle G. S. Aslanian, L. B. Direktor
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Drop evaporation in an optical-radiation field S. A. Beresnev, V. G. Chernyak
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Propagation of weak shock waves in plasma of longitudinal flow discharge in air P. A. Voinovich, A. P. Ershov, S. E. Ponomareva, V. M. Shibkov
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Nonstationary gasdynamic processes in a magnetoplasma accelerator for dielectric strikers L. I. Volkova, V. E. Ostashev, V. S. Slavin
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Short Communications
О перемешивании электронами возбужденных состояний системы $2p^53s$ в сильно неравновесной плазме неона V. I. Demidov, T. V. Rudakova, S. K. Rytenkov, V. N. Skrebov
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Динамика взаимодействия встречных плазменных струй A. F. Aleksandrov, K. Sh. Isaev, I. B. Timofeev, V. A. Chernikov, U. Yusupaliev
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Экспериментальное исследование теплопроводности водных растворов хлористого калия при высоких температурах R. I. Pepinov, G. M. Guseinov
605 |
Гидростатический эффект для смеси изотопов и разбавленных растворов в критической точке E. P. Garsevanishvili
607 |
О кризисе теплообмена при охлаждении поверхностей двухфазным потоком Yu. A. Buevich, V. N. Mankevich
610 |
Зависимость температуры микропламени вокруг алюминиевых частиц от выбора моделей горения частиц алюминия и углерода в генераторе плазмы V. N. Durnev, V. S. Vlasov
613 |
Расчет параметров цезий-бариевого источника рабочего тела с электромагнитным управлением величиной давления B. I. Ermilov, V. A. Druzhinin, A. G. Kalandarishvili
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Исследование теплопроводности суперионных материалов импульсным методом N. R. Abdulkhalikova, A. E. Aliev
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Зависимость электросопротивления сплавов ВАР-3, ВАР-5 и ВАР-10 от их энтальпии V. I. Tsapkov, N. N. Rimskii
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О расчете закрученного турбулентного течения газовзвеси в цилиндрическом грануляторе A. S. Woinovsky, M. E. Zaitsev, N. Yu. Kudryavtsev, Yu. S. Shmotkin
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О спинодалях фазового перехода кристалл – жидкость M. N. Magomedov
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