Plasma Investigations
Longitudinal structure of the cathode portions of glow discharges Yu. P. Raizer, M. N. Shneider
1041 |
Dynamics of energy dissipation in nanosecond corona discharges R. Kh. Amirov, E. I. Asinovskii, I. S. Samoilov, A. V. Shepelin
1053 |
Electron attachment to $\mathrm{N}_2\mathrm{O}$ molecules in weakly ionized plasmas N. L. Aleksandrov, A. M. Konchakov
1060 |
Near ultraviolet emission of nonequilibrium inert gas plasmas. II. Theory A. Kh. Amirov, O. V. Korshunov, V. F. Chinnov
1066 |
Elimination of distortions, associated with finite conductivity of plasma, in probe measurements of the electron distribution function N. B. Kolokolov, A. A. Kudryavtsev, N. A. Khromov
1077 |
Effect of sound on gas temperature in nitrogen plasma M. A. Antinyan, G. A. Galechyan, L. B. Tavakalyan
1081 |
Effect of light scattering by macroscopic particles on spectral line contours I. A. Vasil'eva, V. I. Vladimirov, L. V. Deputatova
1086 |
Spherical bubbles in a fluid dielectric in the presence of an electric field V. V. Glazkov, O. A. Sinkevich, P. V. Smirnov
1095 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Anomalies of the thermophysical properties near first-order phase transitions in experiments with periodic heating V. I. Gorbatov, V. E. Zinov'ev, B. V. Vlasov
1103 |
Effect of impurities on the thermophysical properties of nickel V. E. Sidorov, I. V. Vandysheva, F. A. Tyutrin, B. A. Baum
1108 |
Determination of the melting parameters of boron nitride V. L. Vinogradov, A. V. Kostanovskii
1112 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Boiling-liquid flow in long channels and onset of critical conditions A. I. Nakorchevskii, B. I. Basok, I. V. Gaskevich
1121 |
Heat transfer and critical heat fluxes in boiling at finned surfaces I. I. Gogonin, A. E. Silkachev
1127 |
A method of heat exchange calculation in the presence of periodic intensity fluctuations Yu. B. Zudin
1134 |
Experimental study of the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of heat-transfer surfaces formed by spherical cavities M. Ya. Belen'kii, M. A. Gotovskii, B. m. Lekakh, B. S. Fokin, V. B. Khabenskii
1142 |
Hydroxyl concentration profiles in a boundary layer composed of combustion products A. A. Vanin, M. G. Kasparov, A. V. Mokhov, A. P. Nefedov
1148 |
Hypersonic flow of a viscous gas past pointed elliptical cones at angles of attack and yaw A. A. Legostaev, S. V. Peigin
1157 |
Heat transfer and friction of blunt body in a supersonic flow of an air-xenon mixture in chemical equilibrium O. V. Zverev, N. N. Pilyugin
1164 |
Transport approximation in calculating the directed-radiation transfer in an anisotropically scattering erosional flare L. A. Dombrovskii, A. V. Kolpakov, S. T. Surzhikov
1171 |
Radiant heat transfer during three-dimensional and axisymmetric supersonic air flow around evaporating bodies A. Z. Apshtein, V. I. Sakharov, A. V. Shevoroshkin
1178 |
Heat transfer of emitting particles with rarefied plasma flows A. G. Gnedovets, A. A. Uglov
1184 |
Shock wave structure in a gas suspension of liquid drops and fine solid particles T. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev
1192 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Sounding-flash method in the investigation of the radiation properties of high-temperature materials V. V. Kan, T. T. Riskiev, T. P. Salikhov
1198 |
Application of optical systems with intensity amplifiers for investigation of surfaces of graphite and pyrographite electrodes during burning of an arc V. M. Batenin, V. Yu. Glina, I. I. Klimovskii, L. A. Selezneva
1204 |
The "sweep" experimental device for investigating the propagation of shock waves in plasma A. A. Alyapin, S. V. Kostyuchenko, N. N. Kudryavtsev, I. V. Filyugin
1211 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Power supply systems based on MHD generators A. V. Pisakin, N. L. Aitov, V. A. Zeigarnik, V. Yu. Rikman, O. G. Matveenko, Yu. P. Babakov
1216 |
Hall breakdown in an MHD generator channel V. A. Bityurin, A. N. Bocharov
1224 |
Short Communications
Решение уравнения Больцмана для полностью ионизованной плазмы с короткодействующим потенциалом взаимодействия между зарядами I. A. Mulenko, A. L. Khomkin
1234 |
Связь параметров линейной модели решеточного газа и уравнения состояния реальной жидкости V. F. Lysenkov, V. A. Rykov
1236 |
Об измерении скорости испарения в вакуум и давления насыщенных паров веществ по тепловому эффекту, вызванному испарением V. P. Polishchuk, P. E. Sychev, S. G. Chernykh, I. M. Yartsev
1238 |
Экспериментальное исследование теплопроводности жидкого пропилбензоата при высоких температурах и давлениях R. A. Mustafaev, S. I. Tagiev, N. M. Bairamov
1241 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Термоэлектронная эмиссия иридия в момент начала его плавления при быстром нагревании S. V. Lebedev, N. V. Stepanova
1243 |