Plasma Investigations
The runaway frequency of electrons in a gas discharge S. V. Sizykh
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The modeling of water vapor beam plasma V. L. Bychkov, V. A. Yurovskii
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An investigation of the electrical conductivity of cesium plasma in a heated shock tube A. A. Borzhievskii, V. A. Sechenov, V. I. Khorunzhenko
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The rate of current spot expansion on a glow discharge cathode upon abrupt voltage rise Yu. P. Raizer, S. T. Surzhikov
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The rate of cathode evaporation and the parameters of plasma in a stationary vacuum arc S. Ya. Bronin, V. P. Polishchuk, P. E. Sychev, V. I. Shabashov, I. M. Yartsev
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An experimental investigation of the interaction of an energy-intensive plasma formation with a shock wave and high-power laser radiation R. F. Avramenko, A. Yu. Gridin, A. I. Klimov, V. I. Nikolaeva
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Electrical conductivity of dense cesium vapors D. I. Zhukhovitskiĭ
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The static structure factor and electrical conductivity of expanded liquid cesium E. A. Allakhyarov, V. B. Bobrov, S. A. Triger
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Saturation density and pressure of aliphatic alcohol solutions A. N. Shakhverdiev, Ya. M. Naziev, D. T. Safarov
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The change in the activation energy of self-diffusion during melting M. N. Magomedov
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The stabilization of pyrocarbon layer growth for various models of crystallite formation Kh. M. Agaev, I. V. Vinskovskaya, A. O. Erkimbaev, V. I. Mika, A. M. Semenov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
The optimization of a microchannel cooling system for power laser mirrors using calculations O. N. Ignatenko, I. L. Strulya, V. V. Kharitonov
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Boundary conditions for the intense evaporation of a spherical particle into vacuum I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov
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The investigation of heat transfer in heterogeneous flows using the method of inverse problems of thermal conductivity O. M. Alifanov, I. V. Repin
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The investigation of the heat transfer crisis in a rod assembly with regard to liquid film distribution along the perimeter of fuel elements under stationary and nonstationary conditions B. I. Nigmatulin, V. E. Kroshilin, Ya. D. Khodzhaev
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Heat-transfer rate under nonstationary conditions I. M. Lagun
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Numerical simulation of shock wave dynamics in composite material M. F. Ivanov, A. N. Parshikov
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Heat transfer on blunt-nosed cones in supersonic nonuniform flows with injection from the surface N. N. Pilyugin, R. F. Talipov
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
The investigation of the possibility of developing transformer-type plasma generators V. A. Kogan, I. M. Ulanov
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The development of diagnostics of industrial effluent using radiometric measurements A. I. Bril', O. B. Zhdanovich, V. P. Kabashnikov, A. N. Kuzmin, Yu. V. Khodyko
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Numerical simulation of operating modes of the magnetoplasma accelerator of macrobodies E. V. Anis'kin, V. E. Ostashev, V. S. Slavin
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The study of erosion of insulating walls of a pulsed MHD generator V. A. Burakov, V. G. Butov, L. A. Koroleva, V. P. Panchenko, V. V. Sizov, A. N. Tselikov, A. A. Yakushev
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The effect of transverse nonuniformity of row on the development of boundary layers in a Faraday-type MHD channel V. A. Ivanov
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Short Communications
On the possibility of developing an ion excimer laser B. I. Grinchenko
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The electric breakdown of air in a magnetic field M.-R. G. Kishov
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The correlation between thermal expansion and heat capacity, melting point, atomic interaction, and crystal structure parameters L. G. Nikiforov
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The precision of boundary models in the gas slip problem I. N. Ivchenko, S. K. Loyalka, R. V. Thompson
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Thermal conductivity of the karbotekstim-V graphitized felt at high temperatures S. V. Nagaev, G. A. Kirsanov
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Temperature and concentration dependences of the density of aqueous hydrazine solutions M. M. Safarov, A. V. Kartavchenko, M. A. Zaripova
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