Plasma Investigations
The determination of the $\mathrm{N}^+_2 + e$ recombination rate constant from ballistic experiments N. N. Pilyugin, A. V. Pronin
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The principles of operation of the $\mathrm{Sr}^+$ laser B. I. Grinchenko
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Condensation processes in a decaying plasma B. M. Smirnov
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Emission properties of cathodes and relaxation characteristics of $\mathrm{Cs}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$ thermionic energy converters with pulse ionization E. E. Antonov, Yu. P. Korchevoi, I. Ya. Podolyukh
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The simulation of the dynamics of coaxial magnetically held discharge: Initial phase V. E. Okunev, G. S. Romanov, A. S. Smetannikov
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Determination of charged particle concentration in the plasma of barium-seeded flame Z. M. Egorova, A. V. Kashevarov, N. S. Tskhai
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The estimation of transport coefficients for barium, zinc, and cadmium vapors È. S. Mukhtarov, A. M. Semenov
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A generalized crossover equation of state in a wide vicinity of the critical point A. A. Gerasimov, B. A. Grigor'ev
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The temperature dependence of the electric resistance of liquid lithium E. A. Allakhyarov, V. B. Bobrov
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An experimental investigation of the isobaric heat capacity of methyl and isopropyl alcohols Ya. M. Naziev, M. M. Bashirov, M. A. Talybov, Yu. A. Badalov
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The evaporation of vanadium, niobium, and tantalum cubic carbides A. I. Gusev
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The temperature dependence of the spectral absorption coefficient of zinc sulfide in the infrared range of the semitransparent region T. E. Zapadaeva, S. S. Moiseev, V. A. Petrov, V. N. Savushkin, S. V. Stepanov
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A numerical analysis of properties of pulverized-fuel combustion products for pulsed magnetohydrodynamic generators Yu. G. Degtev, V. P. Panchenko
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Determining the set of thermophysical properties of materials from unsteady-state temperature measurements E. A. Artyukhin, G. A. Ivanov, A. V. Nenarokomov
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The effect of free thermoconcentration convection on turbulent transfer in a horizontal boundary layer V. N. Popov, E. I. Korkina
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The hypersonic flow of gas with heat input about airfoil V. N. Golubkin
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Incident wave stability in a laminar boundary layer on a nonuniformly heated surface Yu. I. Bublikov, V. M. Fomichev
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Radiative heat transfer in a gap between parallel coaxial plane rings: Derivation of approximate semiempirical formulas M. G. Vasil'ev, L. A. Stefanova, V. S. Yuferev
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Temperature and radiation waves in a plane layer of a scattering medium S. V. Stepanov
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$E$–$I$ characteristics and efficiency self-generation under radiative heat transfer V. G. Lisienko
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Heat transfer under conditions of flow along a fuel element placed in a porous medium V. V. Kuznetsov, S. B. Chikov
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Numerical simulation of gas cumulation origination in explosive charges with plane and cylindrical channels A. I. Byvshikh, S. M. Vasil'ev, V. I. Kirko
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The choice of kinetic pattern in describing detonation in the $\mathrm{H}_2 +$ air mixture behind shock waves N. G. Dautov, A. M. Starik
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
The effect of wall radiation scattered by macroscopic particles on spectral measurements I. A. Vasil'eva
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Temperature fields in a mirror body and the thermal deformation of a reflecting surface Yu. A. Zeigarnik, F. P. Ivanov, S. V. Lyubarskii, N. N. Silina, V. V. Skripnikov, V. V. Tikhomirov
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Factors limiting the rate of acceleration of macrobodies in magnetoplasma accelerator V. E. Ostashev, E. F. Lebedev, V. E. Fortov
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Current transfer in ceramics of the composite electrodes and the interelectrode gap of an MHD generator L. N. Rudenko, L. S. Simonenko
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Short Communications
The hardening of a cathode surface under conditions of interaction with cathode spots of arc discharge A. E. Balanovskiy
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Countercurrent flow in the core of a water-water power reactor (WWPR) B. L. Kantsyrev, B. I. Nigmatulin
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Optical diagnostics of coal particles in a flow of plasma of combustion products O. F. Petrov, A. A. Samaryan
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